Basic training

Thanks for the suggestion! I have updated the colors. I’ve just finished another one if helpful.

Chain and Song Modes tutorial.


I agree.
If you just bought the A4, and already looking for tutorials…then maybe the A4 is not made for you. Try, push the buttons, explore, you won’t break anything except maybe your ears :).
Also, there is plenty of tutorials on the net, and plenty of informations on this forum.[/quote] I agree too :slight_smile: When i got my A4 …i didnt know what the hell i was doing . I just open the box grab the A4 plug it in the wall and start pressing & turning knobz like little kid ( of course i also own other elektron boxes, so i didnt have to read manual for button comboz ). Some people like to stay on a safe path in the woodz … me …well i like to run through river,bushes and mud . i believe the only time you need training iz on proper mixing

Macprovideo / ask video elektron 102 by Thavius Beck is the best for me. For me he is the best instructor for elektron gear that I’ve watched. Lern quickly and easy way.