Basic training

I am new to the Analog Four and would love to get the basic training for this unit. Is there any analog-four-for-dummies out there?

this forum is the best learning repository … the A4 1,2,3 could be

  1. Try 2) Read (here/pdf) 3) Ask
    lot’s of good stuff linked from here too
    keep it simple initially, learn little things then build up slowly
    it’s deep, but it’ll click soon enough
    don’t be precious about what you do early days and you’ll soon get p-locks, sound locks & the relationship between sounds/kits/patterns - then move on to to song mode, performance mode and slides and such when you’re ok with the basics

learn those key combos !!

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Maybe check this out, Analog Four cookbook by one of the forum members:

Haven’t read it myself, but it sounds ideal.

Enjoy the ride, it’s a killer machine! :slight_smile:


I got myself the cook book, as I found the manual to be quite confusing. The cookbook gets you started quick and easy, and then you can go deeper with the manual. Highly recommended

Thanks for the advice. I purchased the a4 cook book, and i will work through it in order to learn to use this great synth.

Hi there,

Just started this very thing. Still a work in progress but it should help get you started.

Hope it helps.

Although the A4 Cookbook is a better laid-out version of “Getting Started”, what Drew is compiling on his “Wires and Ones” website and nicely progressing A4 Tutorials, are exactly what I have needed to finally find joy in approaching the “Elektron Way” because he is making it very concise in a way for someone totally new to any Elektron Instrument but not new to synthesis.
Highly recommend because I feel as his tutorials are progressing (adding more each week), he is bridging this impasse that those of us whom have been waiting patiently for the promised official Elektron Tutorial Videos.

Very helpful indeed!!!

There are plenty of videos on youtube that cover various aspects of the machine. I would definitely check those out. I found the ones by users SecretMusicUK and SB-SIX very helpful.
To find out how to use the sequencer and grid and live recording mode you should read the manual and play around with the machine. It’s fairly straightforward and there’s a lot to do with the presets without even starting to create your own sounds. Have fun!

Operating an airplane is also “fairly straight-forward”, from my perspective–however, I cannot just expect someone whom has ridden in a plane from NYC to Seattle, sitting at the very rear of the plane to be able to now fly a plane.
I used this analogy because as a keyboard/synthesis player, the “Elektron Way” is not only counter-intuitive but in most cases completely opposite/backwards from way musicians whom compose work…rather than typical bleeps and blurps all over the You Tube on the A4. There’s very few true “tutorials” and the reference manual needs a proper approach. Truth.

Just started this very thing. Still a work in progress but it should help get you started.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for sharing! I suggest that you make the color of the text darker. It’s a little difficult to read on some screens.

Anyone doing video lessons for the a4?

Would people be interested in pitching in and paying someone like Cuckoo to make so proper tutorials?

Still waiting for the promised videos from Elektron!!

This is a very good idea, assumig that he wants to do this :slight_smile:
Proper tutorials is indeed very nice to have since everybody seems to have less and less time to spend learning.
I’m new to the A4 as well and I would definitely ‘pitch in’ if someone is up for the task.

Yes, Elektron promised tutorials for A4…

What happened to them??

Hmmm I’m not sure what you guys want. The a4 is like a blank canvas. Try painting on it and see what you come up with, learn from mistakes, ask questions where required, enjoy the experience. There is plenty of info out there on electronic music, music tech skills and mixing. What’s holding you back? I’ve struggled/enjoyed making music for 15 years and searched for the holy grail of guide books that will lead me to success. Truth is it doesn’t really exist.

Seriously just put some headphones on and mess around until you find a sound you like. It might just be totally original.

Cheers and happy July.

I don’t think people are asking for synthesis tutorials, nor step by step feature descriptions, but guidance through the maze that Elektron has created. The A4 is a wonderfully creative machine, and I don’t think it unreasonable to ask for some help with such things as hidden button combos that help work flow, or unusual interactions between features. In the absence of a good manual, a few detailed, explanatory videos is not too much to ask in my view.

They’re holding off until the wavetable and granular stuff’s been added.

They’re holding off until the wavetable and granular stuff’s been added.[/quote]
its more likely they would add this to OT isn’t it?

I agree.
If you just bought the A4, and already looking for tutorials…then maybe the A4 is not made for you. Try, push the buttons, explore, you won’t break anything except maybe your ears :).
Also, there is plenty of tutorials on the net, and plenty of informations on this forum.

I was actually joking but, although I agree that granular synthesis would be a more likely feature for the OT, wavetables would be a much better fit for the Analog Four.