Bass Presets - Pitch?

I’m reorganising my presets, and have realised my ‘bass’ presets are saved at different pitches … or I should say registers. Which makes auditioning them for another track … not particularly quick.

For some, I’ve twisted the pitch dial low, and for others, I’ve obviously set the keyboard to a low octave first, then fine-tuned the sound.

So I want to fix this but I can’t make up my mind between

  • saving them all with pitch dial set to 0, on the assumption that I’ll be auditioning them with a keyboard set to a low octave
  • saving them all with pitch set low, (-12 or -24) so that I don’t have to remember to do that when working without a keyboard (and lazily not setting the the pitch on the track menu).

Leaning towards the former. And yes, I know, it all depends what I want, but still interested to hear what you all are doing.

I would go with the first option. If you don’t remember what you were going to do originally then it doesn’t matter and you are always free to change your mind. Why be so organized about it anyway… life is too short.

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