Beginner's question

Hey guys,

Thanks for having me as a member of Elektronauts!

I am looking to make my first steps into the hardware world. After looking online, I have decided to go for a machinedrum as starting gear . I want to figure out the workflow and handling before expanding with a couple of synths (maybe A4).

Because the machinedrum is discontinued, it is rather difficult to obtain. Do you recommend buying a second hand machinedrum? And should I get a UW version?

Or should I save some more money for an analog rytm/octatrack? Because I have no other gear, the ability to sync with Ableton does seem appealing.


The machine drum is the perfect gear to begin in Hardware world, it’s with no doubt the simplest machine from Elektron and sounds incredible !
Don’t go for Octatrack as a first electronic instrument because that one is not simple to apprehend.
I don’t own a UW, but if you find one at reasonable price take that version so you can add others short melodic samples

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Personally I would go with the AR. You’ll be able to get a new one for roughly the same price as a second hand UW if you shop around. The MD is fantastic but, if as you say, you have no other hardware, I think the AR makes a lot more sense.

And I would strongly recommend getting the UW version if you do settle on an MD - it really takes the machine to a new level that wholly justifies the difference in cost.

Thank you for your answers!

I’ll begin my search for an MD UW.

I think I’ve come to the right place for anything Elektron. I will definitely be back with updates / questions and to browse the forum for any other useful info.


Welcome to the forum, @jaapmartens!

It’s an interesting time to be buying an MD, because there are so few new units still for sale, but many second-hand almost new units available. Note that Elektron’s three-year warranty is designed to be transferable from owner to owner.

Your need for a UW version is partly determined by your budget, and partly by how much you might use in MD in conjunction with Ableton Live: if you intend to use Live with the MD then you might have less need for the UW sampling capabilities.

Again, if you intend to use Live in conjunction with your hardware instruments, the availability of Overbridge makes the AR highly worth considering. If you are using Live a lot, the Octatrack might be less compelling as a purchase.

If you intend to use your hardware gear without Live, you can consider each Elektron instrument on its own merits for sound generation.


Dutch? :slight_smile:

Yup! Guessing my name implied as much:)

Je zou het bijna denken.

Translated : one should almost think it is. :wink:

Check out
I bought one NEW for $999 and had a friend bring it from the US
So much cheaper than buying “used” in EU

A new AR for the price of a used MDUW? Have the MDUW prices finally skyrocketed?

Both around ÂŁ1000 on eBay

There’s flaky demand for it. It’s limited, but no one wants this awesome machine right now.

Both the AR and MD are cool. Imo, the MD is more crispy and the AR is more wholesome. Both good for different things. If you go looking for an MD definitely get the UW and definitely get the +drive. Don’t try to cut cost, the extra features are necessary. I tried to cut costs with a non-UW a couple months ago, and now I’m waiting for my UW to come in the mail while biting my nails trying to sell this non-UW one without taking too much of a loss.

The drum synthesis is REALLY, REALLY cool on the MD whichever version you get. The fun thing about Elektron gear is possibilities multiply with each extra feature added.

That being said, if anybody in the US wants to disregard my advice and go with a non-UW hit me up! :elmd: :cb:

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Just to even out the field, I have the non UW mkII and its my fav drum machine. I’m only interested in drum synthesis, no samples (have an Octatrack).
But never having used a UW version I cant really compare. Just saying if the price is right, its your choice. :content:

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Man, I could use you to sell my machinedrum. I feel anxious to tell people “I’m selling this to get a UW” it seems to signal “well maybe I should too!”

this. most users who buy a non-uw model thinking it’s a good way to save a few bucks end up regretting it.


True story


I must be the only one.
More love to the SPS-1

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Welcome aboard @jaapmartens

I first got started off on the MD UW which gave me a great starting point into trigs/sequencer/p’locks etc but be warned…

Machinedrum leads to Octatrack
Octatrack leads to Analog Keys
Analog Keys leads to an empty bank account…

(Apologies to Yoda)

Loads of support here at Elektronauts - I’ve learnt so much in the forums


Funny thing, I actualy think it looks better than the UW.