Behringer 2600

Ahh, that IS significant. So limited edition for them will be at least 500 each I’d wager. That’s good news!

Limited Edition may just be part of the name, like on the car, or on the cheap beer, that i am holding for HoldMyBeer.

I still haven’t read anywhere that B said they are limiting production.

ADDED: BTW has Behringer ever sold a limited production run product ?
I know Korg has done it plenty, and everyone asks why the hell are they doing that, but i don’t recall Behringer ever doing that. They’re all about reducing cost by doing volume production and opening the spigot and flooding the world with something. (Please no B rants.)
But i may be wrong ‘bout this.


They’ve done some with the acid versions of the td-6 rd-6 but those are the only that come to mind.

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Thanks for holding that. I was busy showing some jabroni the best way to tie their shoe.

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And they didn’t really turn out to be limited in the end. :slight_smile:

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It’s one of the core tools of marketing (so don’t blame it on B), to create a feeling of scarcity, and rareness, and specialness around a product. (I think it is corollary to the Endowment Effect.) This is extra important with Behringer, to overcome past perceptions, but most other companies do it too. I won’t go into detail on all the strategies to add value to the perception of a product (it’s off topic), but Behringer is a study in practice.

The attitude to “get it before the hoarders do”, naturally appeals to the hoarder tendency in everyone.

Something else i now wonder about — how much do the “premium” components actually affect the sound of this box ? I get it with the spring reverb, but perhaps i’m better served to put the $100 toward an external spring reverb, like Finegear’s Dust Collector, or Dreadbox’s Hypnosis ?

I may stick with the standard edition.

The Endowment Effect — The tendency for people (who like themselves), to over value stuff that they actually own. This ties back to the basic psychology of self esteem.

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Ok eff me, preordering is open now, I preordered a gray meanie. I think this will be great going with that TR6s I also just ordered for some Techno jams.

17 weeks to go, though.

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I notice that through Thomann the price of the Standard Edition and either the Gray or the Blue version is close to identical. (Three dollars difference.) The price of the Blue and Gray versions are now less than it was said they would be by almost $100.

It has been written in various on-line articles that the choice between the two Editions with only a $100 difference was close to a no-brainer. If the price is the same, what’s the level below no-brainer?

NOTE: The Standard Edition should be delivered considerably sooner though.


@DonovanDwyer did you get sorted? If not call Sweetwater and tell them you want on the list. They’re taking pre-orders for the “limited-editions” that way.
B’s form of limited edition has got to be producing 2000 or so of the Blue and Grey. Can’t see them trying to make their products elusive.

Blue Marvin ordered :+1:


I ended up with the Telemark instead. I’m happy with it so far.

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Telemark skiing. Oh nevermind. I even commented on it. Duhhh.

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Blue Marvin it is.


Blue Marvin crew represent.


Contacted Sweetwater (another B super partner) to ask about price between versions. They’re still working things out, but they have the two versions now at $100 difference, but that still could change. I asked specifically relative the pricing at Thomann.

The Blue and the Gray is still not in their on-line “catalog”, but they will be selling both.

I was in the Blue Marvin club. I believe I may have even been the first to contact SW about it because they put it in the system just then.

But, as cool as I still think it is, I spent the money on parts and panels for a new modular system instead. So I canceled my preorder.

I’m going to build a few ARP like modules for this system though, in order to incorporate that sound a bit.


Have you considered the 2500 modules they’re doing? I’m not a modular user but they sound nice on the demos I’ve seen


Actually those look pretty cool. I do have schematics for the 2500 series modules I like, (like the 1047 filter for example). I’ll be building in 4U+banana format, but definitely want some ARP-like filters, and may do a CMOS “ring mod” to complement my AD633 4 Quadrant Multiplier module. So kind of a blend of 2500/2600/Odyssey or the like (plus my usual array of weirdness modules) :smiley: (slope gens, shift registers, digital noise, that sort of thing)

I’m planning to keep it small though. Like two 17” rows of modules in a really thin case.

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Slightly OT but the progeny was the 2600 :sunglasses:

Tim Shoebridge did a good video of the 2500 modules as well. They sound quite good.

Plus, you don’t have to use slide switches. :wink: