Behringer 2600

I suppose that the basic sound of an Odyssey is close to an 2600, if only two VCOs are used. AFAIK the Odyssey has much DNA of the 2600. If we compare the synths one by one there is not too much of a difference … well IMHO … both are subtractive with one filter only.

What makes the 2600 special for me is the semimodularity. That makes those bleeps and blobs possible …


It’ll be interesting to see where they pitch this price wise. Their Oddy (which I have and love) retails for around £380 in the UK. There’s a bit more going on inside the 2600 plus all those jacks but they’re saving the cost of the more complex case and keybed of the Oddy amongst other things.

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What was the general verdict on the Behringer Odyssey? Compared to the original and korgs remake?

Can’t speak for the Korg and although I’ve got a orange/black Axxe I’ve not got an OG for comparison but I think it sounds great. Built like a tank, it looks and feels like a substantial bit of kit. It’s got that ARP sounds and the three filters all sound good in their own way. one Of my gripes is the mono FX as the unit sounds nice but that’s just gravy compared to the OG and Korg.

Check out Starsky Carr’s comparison vids if you haven’t already.


Cheers. Nice!

Seems that the B2600 will be sonically close & the Korg is all about the trimmings and replica status

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you didn’t lie :wink:

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I recently was looking for a 5U Moon modular system, when this BARP came Up…Not sure though if a Karp Ody Module wouldnt Sound similar…

This and the Boog 15/30/55 and the Boland series.

If my wife doesn’t hold me back, I could be tempted to get them all … just for the sake of having those classic sounds in the studio … :wink:


A friend of mine got my mind off of all things 2600 with the semi-modular that he brought home, then invited us over to play for an impromptu party. I won’t clutter this thread w/ talk about the other semi, lol…

I’m sure you’ll have fun!

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That’s my plan.

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I’m definitely tempted, it is as you say the mothership- I guess because it’s not released yet, it’s off people’s radar slightly.
The sound and form factor are really appealing for me.
I’m wondering what people think the retail price will be?

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There is still nothing revealed, except a frustrating teaser after Superbooth. What’s going on Behringer ?

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I’m guessing the development guys are pulled out. The 909 is due out imminently then there’s the 606 they’re working on. Not to mention the cs80 clone. The euro rack modules are starting to hit the shops too. An exciting time but yeah, I can’t wait for the 2600 to see the light of day


I assume 749ish price range.

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€499, or less.



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I think what B is doing with the time is tying the bow on the package. Getting the manufacturing set up, to be efficient, low cost, with low failure rates. And they’re building volume capacity, i think they’ve gauged this to be a volume seller for them. All of that stuff takes time to do.

There is also a fair amount of software with this, you wouldn’t think so given the original had none. I will be interested to see more detail on the implementation, like with MIDI and such. Will they allow you to ‘Poly Chain’ them? There is no doubt that there are other software parts to this too. Behringer has been a little slow with the firmware development side of several of their semi-modulars of late.

Price? Is this one of those contests where we all guess and try to get the closest without going over? I’m not going to enter the competition, but i will observe that they sell the DeepMind 12D Desktop right at $600, which is a fair gauge of things in my opinion. This is a monosynth, but it’s a lot more than a Neutron, CAT, or PRO-1.

So would you please hurry up Behringer and do it right !

I am pre-Pre-ordered.

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if they drop this for 349…

I am glad that AMS is involved, this might in the end Sound Just 90% like an ARP but 100% like an excellent analog monosynth!


599 my bet

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