Behringer 2600

That’s what I was getting at. This 2600 clone being run by the A4 with audio and cv back and forth would be a pretty wild combination.

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That’s not the way i think of it— it’s more of a multi-function synthesis platform, with a ton of controls, and a ton of connections for both audio and control. It’s really a general purpose machine.

The original 2600 is the foundation for me, my first experiments with electronic music.

ADDED: I have now officially pre-ordered.


But I still think, that an Odyssey, B or K, is just as good as a workhorse too. Isnt it? Plus PWM.

So maybe they’ll make a 2500 for $799?

$599 is unbelievable.

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I wonder what the depth is. (haven’t seen it mentioned) It would be fun to put one in a thin briefcase-type enclosure.

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Notice all the connection points !

It is normalized to be performable with no cables, but the real way to use this is with the spaghetti of cable hanging all over it. So from that standpoint it’s no where near as civilized as the Odysseys.

There are also various bits and pieces here to be used as you please. The spring in the original, and the Korg clone would really be nice to have, but you can always hang an external spring reverb off to the side, if the digital thing Behringer includes is too hideous.

ADDED: I don’t quite understand how Behringer can put all this in a $600 unit ?


A briefcase version of this is a great idea. The James Bond version ! :laughing:

I don’t know how thick it is — or how much power it consumes, batteries in the brief case would be nice. The speakers in the original would be nice with this too, in a brief case version of this.

It’s just a matter of getting the right case to fit this.

Could do something like put this in the top half, and a touch controller and maybe some speakers in the bottom half. I’ve built synths into these before: the 900 series ones.
I’m not sure if they have one that would suit a two-halves style setup though.

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Are you thinking like the Buchla touch key LEM thing ?

Yeah sure that’s a nice.idea.

Not fitting in with the brief case idea, but the Arturia Keystep Pro, would probably be good keyboard combination for this

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That’s pretty much what I was thinking. I’m actually not a huge fan of that style of interface funny enough, but it would suit the 2600 pretty well I think.


Who did you pre order with if you don’t mind me asking? I can’t see it listed for order at any of my usual online haunts!

Yeah that’s how I think about it too, the 2600 setup is the sort of open design that allows a lot of experimentation in what you assemble around it.

I won’t name names, but I contacted my sales representative at an large on-line seller, and asked, and he made me a pre-order. I’m not sure how they handle the book-keeping, but he e-mailed back an official order.

If you have a sales rep you usually work with try them.


Nice work! :grinning:

I don’t these days. The store scene isn’t what it was around here anymore. Nay matter, they’ll be on the street soon enough. Thanks your your reply tho👍

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They’d have to figure out a way around the slide switches.

Should be at least very close for many ARP timbres, because the Odyssey was a scaled down 2600. But having one VCO more and the patch points makes the 2600 more versatile. IMO at this price the Behringer 2600 is a kind of nobrainer for lovers of the ARP sound, if the built and sound quality are adequate.

it’s six times cheaper because the Korg ARP actually is a 2600 : the circuitry has been moved to mainly SMT & MIDI & couple of other things have been added. But it’s an ARP 2600 for 2020 - in the same way Dave Smith’s new Prophet 5 rev. 4 is a Prophet 5.

This isn’t a 2600. which is fine obviously if you want an approximation, or a ‘based on’. But that’s why there’s a big price difference. Finally, you’re not getting the beautiful 3620 keyboard either. Or a flightcase to put it all in.

It’s easy to work out why the BARP BentyBixBundred is 6 times cheaper. You’re not comparing two equivalent things.

Not that this matters - it’s just for the sake of clarity.

433 for the Karp Ody Rev 3 Module. Hmmm.

I’d say Korg clone is a boutique replica with huge margins for rich collectors, while Behringer clone is true 2600 for 2020 that is actually worth its asking price.

Anyhow, both are clones based on the original circuitry and both probably sound close to the original.