Behringer BCR32

Yeah, I’ve always wanted one, but when I got around to it they were out of production, and the second hand prices weren’t astronomical but seemed silly, if I could even find one. I’m hoping this is built with the same tank-like principles I’ve heard people talk about, and after watching the flashbulb demonstrate the sequencer I’m really excited about that as well. What would be great, and I would pay extra for, some tiny displays beneath each encoder. But I guess masking tape will do :slight_smile:

Yeah, tape or (diy) overlays. I made simple cardboard overlays in different colours for mine, but you can also buy plastic overlays (with prints for certain popular synths or plain white plastic) online.
Simple solution, but works nicely.

Fitting diy overlays on the BCR32 should also be much easier as it doesn’t have an angled front panel and ‘raised’ upper section.

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any news on this?

B still not a semiconductor manufacturer and so still a victim of global chip shortage.

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An updated on the facebook:

BCR32 Update. We just received the PCB’s so we can now start the firmware implementation which will be executed by our German engineering team, who also designed the BCR2000 nearly 20 years ago.
Our new BCR2000 successor will be a vast improvement but also include the famous Zaquencer aside from the controller function.
As you can see, we’re working very hard to get you all these beautiful products as fast as we possibly can.
At this point however we don’t have a launch date, but we feel confident that we can offer you the BCR32 for US$ 149.
Are you excited?

This is one I’ll probably pick up when it comes out, the BCR 2000 was a good unique product.

(p.s. I found out about this here)


It’s nice that they have Zaq Audio on board.

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Can’t wait to see more about this, especially if they can hit around the $150 mark. I have no experience with the original, but this is one of those pieces of gear that just seems like it’ll be hugely beneficial to my setup. This and the Korg Drumlogue.

Would be the most affordable, most complete universal midi controller.

Well whatever happened with this? Any news?

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With displays below each knob and button, this thing could really be 21st century. It would get software as close in UI as a piece of hardware, that I can imagine. Is there another controller with as many controls as the BCR, with screens? I know they have the screen tech in their mixers…

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Mackie C4 comes to mind…

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Corona happened

Corona has nothing to do with this. The chip shortage for car manufacturers is a homemade problem by some car manufacturer, who broke contracts with their suppliers, so that the suppliers delivered to other (new) customers (and with better conditions for the suppliers), so that the car manufacturer like Volkswagen now created themselves a problem and have to wait for electronic parts. They shot themselves in the foot.

This plus freighters being delayed by whatever, plus c- rules by governments all over the world, is causing this.

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So we’ve reached the end of the year. They’ve been working on the firmware since July when they “received the PCBs”. Presumably those were just engineering samples, not something they had mass produced yet.

Anyone who asks about an ETA on their Facebook is just met with a canned response to “Keep an eye on their social media for any announcements”

Maybe next year

I have been told due to copyright issues unfortunately the bcr32 will never happen.

Can anyone confirm (or unverify) this?

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Well there was this news article in March 2022 with 2 pictures of a prototype unit.


This is Behringer, they’re not concerned about copyrights….

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Copyright? This is not a clone. The original BCR 2000 was by Behringer.

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I know, but the bcr is a complete redesign…
Who knows who’s ideas they “borrowed” this time?

Appeared some time ago !

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