Behringer Crave

yeah, it came last week. but only had a couple of hours with it. it’s about to replace my volca bass big time. its my first semi modular (besides the analog four) so i still have to learn a lot of things. it sounds really ‘stable’ in my opinion, and the filter is top notch - does not creak like the volca bass for example. also it feels very good, the knobs are pretty heavy and imo ideal for finding and setting sweet spots. only the tune/frequence knob gives me a hard time, as it seems to take a while to accept the new frequency value (but could be user error ;))

i look forward to sequence it externally, but the midi implementation is missing (or i cant find it) also the companion app is not available yet. buildwise the weakest thing are the sequence/keyboard pads, they feel a bit cheap, but if you’re working on a desktop it should feel very sturdy (currently i have it on the third level of my k&m 18810 keyboard stand which is very floaty).

not sure what the video should show what loopops youtube review didnt cover (teached me also a couple of tricks with it). about to spend some quality time with it again in the studio, so if you have further questions, i’d try to answer them as best as i can. video would be no problem, but again, not sure what to put there.

tl;dr: really like it, stable sound, good knobs, would buy again!


Hi! Thanks a lot for the detailed review.

I’ve commanded the crave too, and I hope it arrives this week. Initially, I don’t like too much the syths without memories or with patchbay… but for that price, I think it’s a good deal to try, after that maybe I’ll love. Anyway, it seems sounds good, and in general I love the monosyths :smile: .


Well, it’s arrived. My first impressions are so good. I have done some patches with fx from polara and obscura:

So inspiring as source for experimenting sounds.


i´m experiencing ghost trigs on rest steps.
means even in a pattern with rest steps only, you can hear the envelope get triggered slightly.

anyone else?

this makes the sequencer useless!

on top the Mix in (noise / external audio) is bleeding into the signal path with both, external audio and noise …

Sound funnily similar!

pretty much

just two semimodulars with sequencer. nothing more in common.


Yes. I almost considered getting a Crave until I discovered that behaviour. Muting steps still triggers enevelopes? No thanks.


well well well!
glad i didnt jumped this train!

It’s been fixed with an update


Good to know. :+1:

Thank you for clarification

Most welcome :muscle:

This guy is putting out some nice vids…

Hey guys, quick question about the Crave for those who have it. Is the sequencer impossible to disable on MIDI start messages, like it is for the Mother-32? That was one of the things that annoyed me on the Mother-32.
It doesn’t seem indicated in the manual so I guess the behavior is the same.

I am interested in this behaviour too. Thanks!

I use it with Ableton and I am able to avoid the crave to start the sequencer thanks to the Ableton midi setup option (remote off).

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Can anyone give me the driver for Crave? Thanks!

I finally connected it to Synth tool but somehow the options I choose doesn’t send them to Crave…
Any ideas?