Behringer Neutron

Yep it seems first batch could be avaliable for July but the most probable date I heard was late sept-early october…

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It has now shown up at Guitar Center and Musician’s Friend, both of these say available first day of August.

Got an apologizing email from Music Store the other day, telling me that the delivery of the Neutron would earlieast be at the end of August.

Now let’s hope … before X-Mas :wink:

I had a day off yday and a shop not too far from me unexpectedly had them in stock. Road trip! This thing sounds really good. Feature set is insane. There is a stupid error in starters guide that cost me an hour! But really impressed. Damn its a good bass machine.

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was it the ‘volume is up but i cant hear anything’ error ?

No the midi pin settings in the quick start guide are upside down so i thought the midi port was broken. Lucky its not. After a few more days the synth is still wowing me. Sounds amazing. The oscillators sound so good.

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So what’s the verdict on this synth, does it have the creaminess of a dreadbox? Or is it harsher toned? How you finding it so far? Seems great price to get into some semi modular fun.

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OK just bought this little beast, I wouldn’t say creaminess but loud fat & dirty but also sharp & clean. BTW for 350€ the feature set is really mind-blowing, build quality is good. I like it a lot


Have it for some weeks now. It has definitely it’s own character, which I would say is more on the modern, grittier side rather than the classic creamy.

There are some interesting sounds possible with the “folded square” waveform together with the use of PWM, which I didn’t expect from an analogue machine. The semi-modular concept makes it very flexible too. A keeper, I would say.

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Still waiting here in the US – it will probably only be a few more weeks though, i’ve been waiting a long time.

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Several retailers in the US now list the Neutron as available Sept 14th.

ADDED: Mine shipped on the 13th!

Just online here at a music store UK they have 6+ in stock, at these prices I’m sitting here thinking about pulling the trigger on 2 of them.

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With the midi chaining and the low price multiples make a lot of sense. I think morphing the wave shapes between two (or more) could sound interesting as well.
I’m just trying one alone for starters though.

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Two good “another way to use the Neutron” videos

With Blofeld

Like the DFAM


More sounds of this great synth. With Model D & Rytm:


Makes me gasing a little for a Blofeld :smile:


Nice demo of Osc Sync (although I’m not a fan of Sin as a slow LFO shape)

@cuckoomusic might want to get his lawyers onto this dude though :wink:

Oh man thats the final straw.
Uli cloning Cuckoo now
He must be stopped :joy:


Lol, I’m gonna buy a new mirror and outmirror him! :rofl:

