Behringer PRO-800

Just a quick note to Uli in case he’s reading this. I don’t wish to sound disrespectful, that’s not my intent at all, but I wish you would stop hiring non-OCD people to handle external design work.

I actually quite like the membrane pad and I love the display, it’s all very 80s. But the placement of that Sync button on the middle row is playing absolute havok with my OCD. The button to the left of it is also a Sync-related button, and I can assure you that any designer worth their wage packet would have shoved that awkwardly placed centre button to the left so that it is grouped with the other Sync button, thereby making more sense and preventing the panel from looking awkward.

I’ll be buying one regardless so it’s not a deal breaker for me. But I wish you would start employing designers with OCD instead of these non-OCD types. Such awkward design would never survive the scrutiny of a designer with OCD.

It would be spotted and wiped out in an instant!


The LFO-MOD section of the front panel is also unnecissarily messed up.

If you were to move the switch from between the knobs and place it along-side the other switches instead, it would not break the alignment of the knobs in relation to the POLY-MOD section above it, and it would also group all of the switches together for a much better look.

Again, such awkward design decisions would never escape the scrutiny of a designer with OCD!

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50,000 new Prophet 600s on the street in 2023 is hilarious


Look like on this one Behringer could have made some effort to make it more pretty.

Agree. They’ve just copied the pro 600 layout too slavishly and did not take account of aesthetic changes due to stacking osc/mod sections. Membrane buttons on 600 had similar alignment issues as the 800.

Like that Behringer added individual volume for each osc vs single fade rotary, but they missed adding continuous variable filter tracking and kept the off/half/full switch, so hits and misses all round.

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If the only criticism you can come up with against the PRO800 is “it looks ugly”, then it’s going to be a fine device. Fortunately some here buy synths to actually make music.


It doesnt even look ugly to me. Bit of subjective comment to make.


I agree with the sentiment, but there’s really no need for the condescension/snark.


The design is fine, definitely among the better Behringers. The Eurorack modules all look like gatorade bottles and the TD3/RD6 look like light weight toys. This one really doesn’t look any better or worse than the original imo, which is good in behringer world.