Behringer TD-3 MO (Modded Out)

RE303 is such an ace clone, as is the Cyclone Bassbot. Both nailed the sound. Much closer to the x0xb0x, which sounded very different to me. The Avalon is king due to the added extras that are all sweetspots while retaining the sound imho


I prefer my acidlab mods :slight_smile: I did this mod back in the day, that 303 has since been reverted to stock though, in a RE-303 metal case.


if i were you, i would do acid version of Paint It Black on this machine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


it’s well audible in this video


a behringer devilfish is peak acid

btw, the online drama between the two heads makes it even better

Ooh yeah that adds some serious oomph!

i’ll try to use it like it was originally intended — for bass :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

oh sure. there’s always 2 sides to every story then there’s the truth. seems like they had very different ideas about what it should be and cost etc.

i just think it could’ve been a PR win for behringer if they’d been able to make it work and be seen as a partnership and ‘taking care’ of the devilfish guy in the deal. it’s a bummer it didn’t work out that way.


No, this is just their devilfish clone.

Their fabs in China would not “bypass the shortages from China”. They also don’t make every single component from scratch, they’re still reliant on basics that everyone is short on.

I mean they already did it, they wanted him to sign his name on what they had designed with the expectation that he would run PR and promote them… for the princely sum of $15,000.

They were never sincere, a scheme to say “look, we offered him a token sum to use him to promote our product”… which they used to promote their product anyway.


yeah but “higher” is relative in this case. it’d likely still be 1/4 the price of an original one. but you’re 100% spot on.

I don’t agree with how that all went down but you’re correct. he should’ve realized they’re going to do it anyway, take what you can get.

exactly. he wasn’t being greedy, he was just approaching it like anyone else who’s asking for fair compensation for their life’s work would. but this is Behringer we’re talking about…

anyway, I still just don’t get why we need more 303’s out there. it’s been beaten to death already.


You can pick up the TD-3 for around £80 new, as low as £60 secondhand, I suppose the good thing for buyers is you don’t lose much if you don’t like it.

Yeah. Like guitars, pianos, drums and what-not.


but all those things actually sound good to begin with. :crazy_face:


Subjective. And I’ve heard dozens of these that sounded like shit too.


Anything even remotely similar to a 303 (even MC-303’s nowadays too) are way overpriced, because of the “303 legacy”.
So say what you want from Behringer, but they are offering a great sounding and almost identical TB303 for 100€. I don’t see any problem with that.
This is a capitalistic system. If any, judge the system. This is pure business. And the Devil Fish guy asked waayyy too much for a soldering job in your 303 IMHO.


And yet instrument manufacturers innovate daily without any of this petty drama.

I don’t see much innovation at all tbh. Care to give us some examples?

Apple laptop design -> copied, almost cloned.
Strats, Tele’s, Violin Bass, … -> idem.
Korg Arp -> idem
The roland boutique se-02(?) -> copy
Polyend tracker -> renoise with a jogwheel. And its a sh*t device. Bugs, build is terrible.
Etc etc
Everybody copies.
The difference with behringer is that they are behringer.

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