Behringer TD-3 MO (Modded Out)

As has been discussed before, it is not just about the copying why some people might not want to buy Beringher gear, there are numerous other reasons, but getting off topic now, so if you are interested check the other threads.


I’m hoping the OG TD-3 goes down in price. Below 50 bucks would be more reasonable. Would be nice if they were under 5 bucks and recyclable. Then I could make my banging aciid track and throw it away. Use a brand new TB-3 every track.


TD-3 owners: I know how to activate triplets. That’s nice. But how do you deactivate ? (no, func+triplets not working)

Looks cool to me!

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The Devil Fish mods have always seemed like a mythical beast to me — they’re so hard to get your hands on, so expensive, so rare etc. etc. and I know Daft Punk (among many other great artists) have used them in the past, so I’ve always been sort of in awe of this thing.

That said, I’m not blown away by any of the demos posted here, so maybe I was just hyping up the Devil Fish 303 in my mind. Or maybe when you hear the real thing, your mind tricks you into thinking it’s amazing simply because of the mythology.

I don’t own a 303 or any clones so I’m not an expert in the sound, but I’d be really interested to see what kinds of things people could do with this beyond the realm of acid bass lines. I love me some acid bass as much as the next guy but if you were really going to own this and make space for it in your studio, wouldn’t you want to push this synth and all those mods to their limits?


I‘m usually not hunting for extremes on a 303, I like it to be a low riding, rubbery sub instrument with its characteristic slides, accents and envelopes. Personally, I don’t go after the chirps and resonant squelching that much. For me, it’s normally not the lead instrument, more of a unique sounding foundation that isn’t trivial to replicate on other mono bass synths.

So pushing it to the limits is high on my list, but I don’t expect a lot of musical results besides my normal use case, as a bassline synth. Boring, I know…


I didn’t mean to imply that it’s boring. I’m grateful that people make 303 basslines because I really do enjoy listening to them.

I’m mostly thinking of this from the biased perspective of having limited studio space and wanting things to serve many purposes. This synth has all the capabilities to make your whole drum kit, or do a lead, or whatever else, so I’m just prodding at the unknown.

But at the end of the day I love a good 303 bassline, please people never stop making them.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic sideshow

You really encapsulated how I feel as well and these are the same reasons I love the Avalon Bassline along with the SEM filter. You can just get these subtle, but gooey and subby tones out of it. That’s what really got me into the 303 sound and not the typical squelchy, screaming acid basslines. I love the subdued, but yet enforcing and grooving sounds.

BTW, I love your ‘Quantum Diffusor’ track. Bought that as soon as I heard it. Really great.


The people making the demos aren’t Daft Punk or any of the other artists that have made the 303 what it’s known for.

No disrespect to the people making YouTubes, but they’re not the people making the music that make the machines famous.

I wouldn’t expect them to make the box sound like the classic stuff.


You can get them for £50 second hand now

2 posts were split to a new topic: Yet more off topic sideshow

In principle, given the huge amount of free advice offered generously all over the internet for code, mods and hacks, i don’t have a huge urge to criticise behringer on this one.
I would feel the same if Behringer copied the Digitakt and then released one with an internal battery mod that someone had been charging $$$ for.

That Behringer even allegedly offered $15k seemed a decent gesture that wasn’t really necessary.


someone on GS told that actual delivery will start from october.

If your post isn’t genuinely about the product and you have no other interest than perpetuating the tedious and pointless flamewars (for which there are many dedicated threads btw) then rather than moderators wasting their time week after week, day after day dealing with endless flags and merging and warnings your post will now be unceremoniously deleted if it fails to be constructively on topic.

There are plenty of topics to have your say, but each thread upon a new product release isn’t going to be accompanied by endless repetition of pointless derailing arguing. The intricacies of those issues have their own threads if that’s what you want to do for your day. For those who want to discuss the specific gear in question these topics will be kept clean and the moderators will no longer consume added time sweeping up avoidable off-topic noise.


That piss yellow one still looks banging.

I’m finding it difficult to resist buying one of these…

Just a shame they couldn’t make it work with the devil fish guy, that would have done a bit to repair their image.


The first time I heard of the Devilfish mods were through reading up on Ritchie Hawtin long, long ago. I really loved the sounds he got out of his 303’s and how slippery and rubbery they sounded. Having said that, iI bought a TD3 after a lifelong hunt for a 303 and I really don’t click with the thing. My almost 50 year old brain just doesn’t like the style of sequencer. But… I may just flip it and try the MO version just for old-time’s sake. Worst-case scenario I use it with my modular or Expert sleepers stuff and control it from some other source.


same. planning to get two yellow units.

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I’m sure some will argue that it’s part of the experience and I’m sure if they wouldn’t have recreate it as is the original they would have faced criticism, but for me the sequencer is an archaism. I doubt they will do it, but there’s a lot that could be done in the firmware.


A post was merged into an existing topic: The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?