Off topic sideshow

no…people do borrow. but B doesnt even try to be coy. they copy sound, look and even the freakin NAME. B Odyssey ha ha ha

0 shame.

there is a huge difference between inspiration, or tribute…to straight up gank.


Looking at your user logo, you are a WARP fan.
What do you think Squarepusher is using on stage? Exactly. Behringer clones of his old and expensive SH101. Why, you might wonder? Because its the exact same lay-out and has a near identical sound. And that is exactly the point of these clones. To be exact copies. If Jenkinson loses 3 Behringers while touring, it’s not a big deal. You know, cause they’re cheap and have almost no value. They are disposable and are ideal for touring. They are cheap and they get the job done.
Same thing with guitarists who leave their expensive 60’s strat at home while touring with a cheaper copy.

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funny you should ask…

I dont like Squarepusher :grimacing:

maybe a couple old tunes. the new stuff is meh at best. never really did anything for me.
cuz I like WARP doesnt mean I like all WARP. !!! HARD. Rustie :-1:t6:


Too much jazz noodle slap bass and random …
Sorry off topic.

I see a few td3 appear on gumtree , why do people try to get same prices as brand new ones ? ( which include shipping too) and still claim yellow is limited

I’d possibly pay £60 inc shipping but I have enough of them .

I intend to use my mo version without cranking up the distortion .

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