Benoit Pioulard & Jogging House - Communiqué

Dear Elektronauts

I’m beyond excited to share ‘Communiqué’ with you. An album made in collaboration with the wonderful Benoit Pioulard.

It consits of four ambient longform tracks composed in mutual respect across the wires. And I could not be prouder of the result. Making these tracks felt absolutely effortless, an entirely natural process without stress or worry. I like to believe that this comes through when listening to the album:

‘Communiqué’ is out today in a limited cassette edition and digitally. Downloads are free (name your price) for one week.

Gear wise, my sounds were mostly generated with an analog modular case while BP mostly used guitars and a Moog synth. I then mixed everything together to 1/4’’ tape.

Benoit Pioulard has been one of my very favorite artists for quite some time. Hearing this blend of our styles is just incredible to me and fills me with joy. Maybe you will feel the same.

Thank you!


have loved some of Benoit’s music (and of course your own!) - look forward to hearing what magic you have conjured together! congrats on the release!


Wow. Two artists whom i love and respect musically so much. Congratulations on the release. :facepunch:t3:


Many thanks to both of you!

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Congratz! Personally I am a big fan of Benoits Radial so I will surely take a listen. Best of luck to you!

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Congrats on the release! Looks beautiful.

Curious about the process - did you guys record with the other’s tracks in mind? Was there any back and forth? How did it work?

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I was wondering what this title was making me think of… Found it!



In the pure tradition of Jogging House’s output, this album (the new one) is a little beauty. I’ll close my eyes listening to it tonight…

@boboter how did you get involved in such collaboration? Have you guys only talked from a distance, sending each other sounds?

The wooly cover is beautiful. What can you say about the picture?

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Thank you all. Of course I never heard of that DS album. For me a communiqué is some archaic message Mr. Burns receives :slight_smile:

To answer some questions, Tom and I have known each other for a while, also because we both released music on DAUW, and have talked about doing something together a few times. It just took a while to form the right plan/method (via Zoom and mail).

All tracks were made the same way, I composed a longform bed-type meandering piece that leaves room for other parts to be added. I send it over so Tom can add tracks with a clearer dramaturgy and also make a rough arrangement to try things out.

Then I made the final arrangement and mixed the tracks down to tape.

Aside from music, Tom also makes the most beautiful Polaroid pictures. The cover art is a close up of a cactus.