Bequeath Me Your Synths (The Elektron Murders)

Hey y’all! I was thanking, when I die, my family is not gonna want to deal with all of my synths. I mean, they could probably use the money to cremate my ass but that’s not what I want them to do. I was thinking set up some kind of thing where they are bestowed upon a young producer so that they have everything they need to make music for the rest of their life, or at least a really good start. But that would be a hassle for my wife or family to have to figure out. So I was thinking, I need to find someone who would be willing to bequeath me thier synths and I will bequeath mine onto them as well so that just in case one of us dies, the other gets a ton of badass gear. I mean, I would hate for anything to ever happen to anyone here but when it boils down to it, we are all going to die one day and these synths will need a good home. Who wants to do this with me? I promise I won’t murder you, lol. I’m a peace-loving pacifist neo-hippie so that’s not gonna happen. I am expecting crickets, or maybe a decent conversation. I am also expecting trolls to rain on this parade too. It’s mostly a joke. Mostly. But for real, any takers?

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I’d love to join in, but I’m pretty sure at least one of my synths will be kept by the police as evidence after my wife inevitably carries through on the threats she’s made involving certain synths and my back passage.


My partner is more savvy about reselling than I am, even allowing for my knowledge about what something is worth intangibly to the general community.

I know this was mostly a joke, but it might be cool to have a slightly more structured mentoring framework where some pieces might be passed down while the donor is still around to advise. But inevitably all sorts of odd cases will arise. I personally have too much gear (because I have enough money) with too little knowledge, yet I’m on the old side even by the standards of this forum, which (I’m guessing from clues, have no reliable stats) skews older. So there’s a case to be made for me being both donor and recipient. And then borders get in the way, and the whole thing is vulnerable to abuse.

I probably should add a codicil to my will appointing a specific synth executor (it would be @your_lamp, in case I pop off before doing this). But that would require having an actual will, something I keep not getting around to doing properly.

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I’m just going hide my synths in a wall… with some nudes.

My legacy


Donate to a synth library or a local music program!


Love this! @blackincali, this deserves all of the hearts.

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A synth executor. Album name. Calling it now. Excellent.

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This can be taken in multiple ways and all of them are funny.

While I would be honored by this responsibility, I wouldn’t want it to impact our synth discussions — when I say I think you should get an entire wall of Serge modular, I’m looking out for your best interests here.


We may have to have a conversation on the difference between an executor and a beneficiary


Before I answer…

Do you personally know any contract killers?


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Because I am a saint, anyone is welcome to bequeathe me their synths. Cars, houses, and boats are also accepted, like those organizations that help the children.

I will not bequeathe my synths because I do not want anyone else to be bound to the Wheel of Things as I am. I want you all to be free spirits in the universe. Give me your synths now.

It feels so good.


I promise that I do not sir.

@Annihilation_Squares? You want in?

no man I want out


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please, no sympathy

If I go that way the cops will just steal all my synths like they stole my weed when I got arrested on NYE 2003. Bastards.

You off yourself I might follow suit. You don’t want that on your conscience homie.

Plus, we got thangs to do.

Also, yes, I know that you’re joking, or you wouldn’t have gotten any hearts.

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These are all the hearts anybody needs.

Man, what a great fucking song.