Berlin Hub

Hi everyone,
I’m currently living in Berlin and would propose to run this thread as a kind of hub for events/jams/performances and meetups etc. focusing berlin area. As a lot of stuff is going on, it could help to create this hub in order connect and inform each other.

I’m thinking of this in categories, like

(post upcoming events with interesting musicians you know about, maybe even list what kind of gear is in use so that others can follow.)

(want to jam? know about a workshop or want to organize one? post in here)

(want to rent a space or have a studio to share? know about a bar with good music all day long? post in here)

I know about threads that tried to organize a meetup in 2017 (which I think never happened?!), but maybe it helps to have this thread as an ongoing exchange of berlin elektronauts, as information of all kinds are appreciated in here. just share what you know!



Nice idea! The missus and myself are taking a wee trip in May to take in the city and do some partying, so I’ll be stopping past this thread to have a peek at what’s going down. Good man!:facepunch:

Cool :slight_smile: I live in Berlin as well

Btw. Elektron is opening a Berlin based office this year. :slight_smile:


Oh that’s super cool and interesting…do you know for what functions?

If I understand correctly artist relations, events and showcases. Cenk mentioned it in a Namm 2019 interview. He moved to Berlin for that and is organising it.

Here he mentions it:


Thanks for posting, I‘d be interested as well.

Great, I should be moving London -> Berlin in the coming weeks.

Look forward to joining some goings on.

I commend this thread!

I have quite a bit of office space in Lichtenberg and we should get a decent PA system setup soon, if ever people would want to do an open Elektron jam of some sort, I’d be open to that :slight_smile:


Nice to see this happening!!
I moved to Berlin for the reason mentioned in this thread :slight_smile:
Really up for getting together etc!


Anytime sir! :slight_smile:

Sounds good, let me know if you need a helping hand :slight_smile:

So is it true that you can`t throw a rock in Berlin without hitting a producer or dj?


Absolutely. I say this for ages. I don’t even mention that I got synths and released some records when I talk to someone in a club or bar. It’s getting embarrassing really.


Would also be interested in meeting up just to see how you guys produce with Elektron gear. I’m in Lichtenberg as well.

awesome!!! Dresden is not far from Berlin… A weekend in Berlin is allways a good idea :slight_smile:


I propose we organize an informal Elektronauts Berlin meetup, and soon. Maybe this week? Anyone interested?


Great if you guys can start now and do a couple of meet-ups before Superbooths where some of us living abroad could join in on the fun ^^

Just moved to Berlin, very keen to hear of any upcoming events, gatherings etc.