Berlin trip

hey gang, i’m coming through germany in a couple of weeks … i’ll be in berlin from july 28 - august 10. planning to spend as much time as i can checking out the scene. if anyone’s performing, post your gig info, i’ll do my best to stop by. :slight_smile:

Sounds awesome! Really curious about that place myself. Resident Advisor is usually a safe bet for finding cool shows…
Let’s hear about it when you get back!

Hi Dubathonic, I’m considering visiting Berlin for the first time in august. I dont have any gigs scheduled there though but do you have any recommendations to check out there? Where do the cool kids hang out?

You should visit about blank, humboldthain (the Club) and Sisyphus (besides the obvious choices like berghain, Watergate or Ritter butzke). Also, chalet might Be worth it. Habe a good Time here!

hey dubathonic,
I’m berlin based. let me know if you want some tips for a specific date.
30ht of july is the krake festival, maybe check that out. but as burn cycle said resident advisor is a good place to start, as well as
otherwise there is plenty of smaller venues to go to rather than those tourist clubs like watergate, tresor, ritter butzke etc.


If you are interrestet in modular systems visit “schneiders laden”. directly at metro station “Kotbuser Tor”


hey Berlin night is awesome but if you’re into techno, be aware that there is A LOT of deep house going on there. Went to Tresor twice which is indeed techno.The 6/8 other clubs i went to were all deep house/tech house oriented.

If you want to be allowed in Berghain i strongly advise hooking up with a local. I met this one guy in a clothing shop (yes sigh), after a good hour of music talk he offered a few tips to get in. Dress down+tank top+go with a german buddy. Happened i only had tourist clothes+never have and never will wear tank tops and tried my luck solo. Of course it didn’t happen. (solo is still better than groups btw)

I was there off-season so in August be prepared for looong waiting lines. Maybe there are club ticket packages you can buy like in the US/Spain but Berlin being allergic to mainstream i wouldn’t bet on it. A third of the city consists of foreigners so berliners are the coolest people i ever met, and at the same time they don’t like heavy handed tourists. I am not Berlin based and have only been there once so my pov is very superficial. It’s a fantastic place!

ps I also went to a death metal “festival” in a squat which was epic.

you me and bruce wayne should have a meetup :wink:

:dancers: :+1:

thanks guys. for those who asked, it’s my first time in germany so i can’t advise … at least not yet :slight_smile: would be great to meet some of you for beers if i don’t spend all my euros on vinyl and espresso.

thanks, that’s cool, i’m more of a house guy anyway.

well than panorama bar is the way to go :slight_smile:

drop a line if u wanna get a burger … btw mk7 was just here and we jammed : )

@dubathonic yeah would recommend you KRAKE festival on Saturday with 12h modular jam, Dream Of Wires film screening, Syl Kougaï live with his Octatrack and many more artists. Maybe coming around too.

thanks! yeah syl kougai is a longtime forum contributor, i’ll check out the festival. let me know if you’re going.


yeah will be there on Saturday from around 9pm. We can catch up with Syl for an Elektronauts beer and watch film screening of “Dream Of Wires”. Syl said he will perfrom around midnight. Have a look for a guy with a “DAVE Festival” hippster bag and glasses. That´s me ^^

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alias mk7, Void, TrabanT, dubathonic. this following quite the jam session … i’ll never look at the rytm the same way again.