Best Groovebox: Syntakt vs Digitakt

can you explain why the syntakt feels more “all-in-one”?

why does it feel like a more complete groovebox? what does it do that the digitakt doesnt (assume youve got ST samples loaded)

I think you can only really compare the two by how the devices actually work… meaning… they have the same sequencer, filter options, etc. Other than that, one is a sampler and the other is a synthesizer so what are we really comparing?


ST recordings loaded in DT ? :sketchy:

With DT you can’t edit synthesis parameters, but you can tweak the samples, add bit reduction. 8 audio tracks, 8 midi tracks. Master compressor

With ST you can edit synthesis parameters, 8 digital machines and 4 analogs, you can set any track to a midi track. No bit reduction, except with SY BIT machine.
Fx Track bus, drive, filter, amp, fx send, no compressor.

Apparently same Trig/ Filter / Amp / lfo pages for DT and ST digital machines.
Different analog filters for DT.


what i like most about the korg esx-1 workflow is the immediate control i have over each sound. i can apply a few FX to each sound individually (set the distortion etc per track) so im looking for that kind of machine

Buy another one then !
I liked it, but I prefered DT as sampler, and I prefer Syntakt as all in one groovebox !
(Having OT as magic realtime mangling sampler)

“i had the korg esx-1 and loved it, looking to upgrade”

why do you prefer syntakt to digi as a groovebox?

Because I can start from scratch with the synthesis machines, without depending on samples I uploaded, recorded (I do sampling with OT, and didn’t especially liked to sample with DT).

ST machine have limited synthesis parameters, but a lot of sweet spots, clever macro parameters. Despite limitations, I feel more freedom to create sounds I like, without spending hours on it. And with all machines, you can get a great variety of sounds.

12 audio/midi tracks vs 8 audio tracks + 8 mid tracks


Sure: as a lifelong musician but beginner to electronic music, the Syntakt is inviting to me as a stand-alone box: I can sit down on the couch with it, without prior preparation, and sketch out something in the style I want. Never run out of tracks, can add chord progressions, and as mentioned above can use expressive controls with just a keyboard hooked up.

Obviously many folks have composed and performed jaw-dropping music on the Digitakt alone, and I wouldn’t disagree that it may well be the “deeper” instrument. Maybe it’s just the 8 dedicated midi tracks that invite hooking up my other gear. At any rate, in my personal, amateur use case, I frequently play the Syntakt on its own, but almost always play the Digitakt hooked up to other synths.

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I can’t say DT is deeper, and I rather say ST is !

Sample based vs Synthesis, very different. YMMV


I think digitakt would be deeper considering that you can sample yourself, or buy samples or get free samples of pretty much any sound in the world and mangle it per page. However there’s limitation on mangling since it only offers what it offers and nothing more. Also you can throw in synth, drums, random stuff in digitakt but again only can tweak what they give in the box, but you can’t tweak the synthesis parameters of whatever made that sample etc… etc… But having the world of sound at your finger tips = deeper to me.

However syntakt is deep with 30+ machines and each machine having it’s own parameters to sculpt the sounds per pages. Again limitations based on whatever they give you right now for mangling the sounds. But the fun is to tweak them parameters to come up with something of your own sound wise. It feels more personal and hands on then digitakt with all the tweaking parameters to end up with something satisfying.

You want the world of sounds with samples and limited tweaking to change the sounds a bit? Then digitakt.

You want 30+ machines so far (maybe more with updates?) and limited tweaking to change the sounds a bit? But get that hands on and satisfying feeling that you made something of your own? Then syntakt.

Both make a great “best groovebox” depending on which way you wanna go about it.


“Know thyself”. I think it was Tony Surgeon that originally said that. Anyway these two are practically the same ‘groovebox’. But one is samples and one is synthesis. So which do you prefer, samples or synthesis? Is outside influence really needed for this decision?


Why stick to Elektron?
I just traded my Syntakt for a Roland MC707.
It’s much more versatile.
Better sampler than Digitakt. Deeper synthesis than Syntakt.


I’ve been thinking about buying the Roland MC707 to add with my 4 elektron boxes. It looks fun and like a great addition.

“Why stick to elektron”

Well I think the answer lays in the sequencer, as it is superior compared to most other products and also plocking, sound locking etc… things that elektron can do that maybe others don’t do?



I considered the power of the sequencers before I made the trade. The Elektron sequencers are pretty cool, but not cool enough to out weigh the other limitations.

Sound locking attempts to make up for limited available voices, plocking/trigless trigs makes up for lack of automation? What else makes the Elektron sequencer stand out?

it’s interesting to watch the life cycle of a product from a distance. It seems like yesterday everyone was singing praises of the DT for its magic sound

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It’s a forum, there are lots of opinions. I’m more fascinated by the various swings in feelings about the Syntakt over its short life to date.


Some people get bored with stuff, especially when a new product comes along, I wouldn’t say the DT has an above average number of these type of owners. To me it still sounds great, the possibilities are still huge and the updates made it even more useful. I thought about buying a Syntakt, the analog tracks were appealing but I didn’t want another beat focused machine, hopefully they will make something in the future like the ST but melody focused instead.


ST is best of both worlds. Plenty of beats can be made, but also plenty of melody stuff too in my opinion!


I have noticed an unusually large number of them up for sale. Unsure if this is because of the box or the economy. I think a lot of people wanted to be part of the hype and pushed the budget a bit too far for it. That or it’s just not as exciting as anticipated. I actually think it’s one of the best looking boxes to date but I’m yet to hear something out of it that really does it for me. I just don’t think this one is my cup of tea. Still interested in the DT though I’m sure I’ll end up with one at some point