Best Groovebox: Syntakt vs Digitakt

Conditional trigs, especially the ones tied to neighbour trigs and fills. Being able to trigger/not trigger sounds based on the triggers around them is really fucking powerful. I’m sure there’s other sequencers that do similar things, but the way it’s implimented on Elektron sequencers is so simple and easy to use.


ST is as melody focused as its user. It’s great for that.


the correct answer is still the Digitakt… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

it’s the only choice really, personal opinions cannot be trusted… objectivity is the only path, and that path only leads to the Digitakt, also it’s in the bible that moses parted a bucket of chicken with the digitakt, and also the supreme court only uses the Digitakt sooo


Its a drum machine first and foremost and I think I have heard it played enough to say that it isn’t what I am looking for in a melodic synth. Its not a criticism of the ST or its user base, I just wouldn’t pick it to join the DT because it excels at things I don’t care enough about and has too few new features over the DT to warrant the extra cost, people will do wonderful things with it but not me.


oh there is one exception though, if you run the syntakt into the Digitakt, sample it and then play your syntakt as a sample from the Digitakt then the best is obviously… the syntakt lol

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I think it’s a great mono synth and melodic synth without making it into a drum machine! I also have analog four, digitone and digitakt along with this syntakt.

I’m having a bunch of fun making presets for it that does different things then what majority of people will use it for aka dnb, techno, electronic dance music, hiphop etc… Not that those are bad! Sorry not trying to change your mind, just my opinion lol.

I’m working on mono type pads for syntakt now and have 7 done so far. Great for ambient stuff.

Here’s 25 other presets I made so far using syntakt, shameless free promotion :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think it depends on your goals a bit but digitakt is going to probably get more people to more fully finished songs its not like you will need to move on from it after one or two EPs. While syntakt is probably a bit more instant gratification but lacks the open nature of a sampler it kind of lacks the open nature of a deeper synth as well but you have a ton of fun tools at your finger tips and won’t spend much time in the weeds, which is worth something for sure, I personally would probably not get more than a few EPs out of it on its own if I pushed it as a solo box. Both of them I think improve quite a lot paired up with 1 or 2 extras.

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Refridgitakt is best. That’s where I store my beer.


This is like comparing the Model Samples to the Model Cycles. One a sampler groovebox the other(very closely related to the Syntakt) a synthesis device. Why not get both a model samples and cycles and kill 2 birds for about the same price of a digitakt?


No kill birds please!


The Syntakt has keyboard scales and fold, which makes a real difference for me.


Even vultures?

It depends, if Elektron machines are vultures that feed on our time, do not shoot them

Thinking more of a slingshot than a gun.

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Yes but…


This exact comparison makes the original question question make more sense to me. Both Models have very similar feature sets to each other, and yet this forum has very clearly picked Cycles as the favorite of the two. So it doesn’t surprise me that someone would be wondering if there was a clear favorite of the DigiTrio


These are what make the Elektron instruments shine. The pairing of a versatile series of controls alongside a sequencer where every step can be something completely different. Every Elektron instrument has this power, how much of it you use is entirely up to you. It can also be ignored entirely for oldskool XoXbox jams. I loved manipulating the pitch and grid placement of each step just a tiny bit on the DT to make a sequence sound less static and more ‘analogue’. It’s more difficult to do with some boxes, while others can achieve it in different ways, such as an MPC or Tempest with their deep modulation options, such as velocity. That said, I have recently moved away from the Elektron style of sequencing to focus more on velocity sensitive pads and modulation linked to various parameters for tonal variety. But I owe my appreciation of such things to Elektron.


I think it comes down to if you prefer a sampler or not. The Digitakt is not a groove box. It’s a sampler that people use like a groovebox: hence, its flexibility and overall beloved status. It’s also the exact reason some people don’t like it or don’t like the sound of it. The “sound” of it is what you put into it because it’s a sampler.

Sampler vs. Synhesizer

This is the question. The answer to which will not be found in this thread (maybe :rofl:)


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Yikes!! I hope that’s photoshopped :open_mouth: