Best option to get "the Roland SH sound"

I love my SH-1: solidly built and looks and of course sounds fantastic, even with a dodgy square wave and a PWM control that only functions at one setting. It was the first CV/gate synth I had to hook up to the A4, and led to many more… though connecting a Keystep gives it a nicer controller (which sits neatly on top of the original keys and rather clunky keys) and an SH-101-style sequencer.

I borrowed a 101 years ago before I really knew what I was doing with synths, and wish I’d spent more time with it. But the SH-1 (even a broken one) can make some very particular and evocative sounds, some of which the MFB Synth series (a Synth Lite II in my case) can generate well in my experience.

EDIT: Synchrony!:

Seems like the Roland S-1 mini Aira unit is now in this mix.