Best Pads based controller to combine with DT?

I’m looking to get a decent, but compact velocity sensitive pad controller to pair with the DT.

Looking maybe at a Launchpad Mini, or maybe an Arturia Beatstep.

Any other controllers that might make a good fit?

Akai MPD
The old ones have better sensors, proper midi connections, abd built like thanks, probably not compact enough. The new ones (MPD2) are lighter, quite compact cheaper but USB only.

I rate akai MPD’s have owned several.

Also M Audio trigger finger.

Korg nano series.

Might need a USB midi host for some of them.

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Also open to any controllers that might add some beneficial functionality to the DT.

I know the Beatstep can be used as a sequencer and a few other things.

Out of those, I’d def. lean towards the MPD.

Korg Nano is pretty cheap and nasty (unless they’ve improved) and the Trigger Finger is pretty ugly — I wouldn’t insult my Swedish precision engineered instrument with it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I Dunno, its got a certain star trek quality to it

Best Bang for buck is easily the Akai MP2 18.
Ive got one. Cant go wrong really. I eventually upgraded the pads. Standard practice for MPD /MPC of you really want velocity sensativity.

I got one of these second-hand a while back, and it’s great for this. Small, and virtually indestructible. I like that it has knobs too.


I found a used MPD18. (not the 2) for $100 AUD.

Apart from the lack of knobs, is there any difference?

It’s MIDI over USB, so presumably I’d need some sort of conveter/dongle?

Actually, just found a MPD218 for $130.

I reckon the extra $30 is def. worth it for the knobs!

But its powered by USB — I’m assuming it can’t be powered BY the DT and send MIDI via the USB?

You’re going to need some kind of USB midi host. You can’t just plug it into the DT.

For a direct connection, you’d need DIN MIDI, but then the controller requires a power connection too.

As I mentioned earlier, the old MPD (26 and above) are superior in that they have proper midi, and the sensors are better. They are self contained, no software needed to configure them.

The new ones are USB only, so you’ll need a host. And the MPD software to congure it.

So yeah, bit of a difference.


This is where I drop in to mention the Launchpad Pro Mk3 which I use with both the OT and Digitone and I love it. Two MIDI outs (trs->MIDI) and one MIDI in, deep customisation etc etc. I use it for note input, sure, but also set up custom templates to give me (velocity sensitive!) volume faders etc (stores 8 custom setups on the device and switching is fast) .