Best soundtracks/sounding sci-fi shows

Ha ha. I’m starting to think that you are really into anime.


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Oh no… Carmen Santiago enthuiast too?!

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oh man I loved that series absolutely brilliant! Especially that villain Scorpius

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I’m only on season 1 and don’t think he’s appeared yet. Rygel XVI is by far my favorite character/Muppet of all time.

I´m a big fan of Karl Svoboda,
a dentist who made music.
“Adam 84” was one of my favourite sci-fi series when I was a kid.
excellent soundtrack !

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That’s how I’ve thought of it for a while. It’s noir, but in vivid color! Which makes sense because that era was when color TV adoption by consumers really took off. So there were a lot of shows around then using dramatic color along with special effects, like I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched. It’s such a gorgeous show just to look at. The score fits in with that older film vibe too - lots of dramatic shifts.

I really like the sound design of the ambient sounds on Star Trek: The Next Generation, specifically the ‘hum’ of the ship and its life support systems. Very inspiring for drone artists. :laughing: I also like the original series sound effects (beeps, the transporter) as they are pretty synthy.

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I watched it yesterday for the first time, and was a bit more engrossed with the soundtrack than the story. I was expecting it to be predictably “cyberpunk-ish” and I was pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, here’s one, and it is a show, not a movie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


When I first saw Blade Runner 2049, I thought this is the greatest soundtrack I’ve ever heard. Went to watch it a second time, only to realise they had the volume way too loud the first time, making the bass distort perfectly.

As for the best soundtrack to a sci-fi show:


I thought that was Dr. Brule for a second. Looks trippy!

Yea… I can get down with that. Sort of like the Run Lola Run of TV show soundtracks. A real shame they never made season 3…Neal Maskell was fantastic. The same guy did the White Lotus music–it took me until the second season to figure that out.

Has anyone watched Blake 7? Some old dude the other day was telling me about it. The theme song is kinda hokey but this cube thing looks like it would be a cool synth.

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I will never, ever stop being angry that they cancelled this for Humans of all things. A travesty, this was a really special show.


I didn’t realize that Humans had something to do with the cancellation. I watched the first season–it was alright but a bit generic and too focused on some “hotness factor” with the androids. Have you seen the original Swedish version? I haven’t but looks to be the same drivel.

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I am getting some major cravings to watch some Farscape and Blake’s 7. Blake’s 7 is a bit cheesy, but kind of cool. It is sort of like 70s blurry PAL video Firefly in that you have a bunch of different people on one spaceship who are on the run, but don’t always get along with each other. And ORAC is awesome looking. If you like the visual aesthetic of 70s Doctor Who it’s worth a try.

On the topic of soundtracks, I enjoy Christopher Franke’s stuff for Babylon 5. If you like 90s romplers it’s pretty great.


Yeah, they dropped it specifically to make room for Humans. Never bothered with the original cos I hated the remake and the basic premise was tbh kinda generic

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Sort of weird that Amazon would bother to re-make an unwatchable version of a great show that was cancelled…probably will remake Humans as well if they haven’t already.

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Awesome sounds. The show itself is hard to find unfortunately.

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I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t drop some Lexx.

THIS WAS A TV SERIES The second thumbnail says “movie series” but it all aired on television and stopped having “movie” pretensions as of season 2.

Edit: Idk the magic incantation to link playlists. I think the first is better anyway, and the harder one to search for.

Fairly pervy show, but damn good sci-fi in that weird shenanigans kinda way. (More Farscape than The Expanse.)


Lexx is such a fun and silly show. There’s not a lot else like it (and if there is, let us know!). Of special note is the episode “Brigadoom” which is a musical!