Best synth for dub chords (dub techno)

I found that Sequential Prophet rev2 module would be better choice.
Suggest what else to see please.
Preferable without a keyboard, without an internal sequencer and which can be controlled via Digitakt.

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seems like the perfect fit, but I want Wavetable synth, have already Digitone

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What are you looking for that Digitone and samples in the Digitakt can’t give you? What’s your budget? What does “dub” mean to you?

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Digitone is awesome for dub chords sampled and filtered thru Heat into digitakt.


Digitakt can probably make great dub chords.
I’ve coaxed some decent ones (to my ears) out of the Model:Cycles and the Volca FM too. But I really think you can do it with damn near anything.


“Dub” is in the post-performance production: the mixing, the effects, the re-contextualising. The 70s dub chords came from guitars, pianos and organs playing in straight reggae, processed through a mixing desk, tape, delays and so on. So, you could make a “dub chord” out of any chord, by processing it.

If you mean “dub techno”… you want something grainy, or saw-toothy - someting with a lot of harmonics and texture, that you can filter, and run into delays and reverbs. Try a Nymphes and a Polymoon pedal (to pick two almost at random). Or go for a box designed almost exclusively for dub chords: a Zen Delay.


you can make dub chords with just about any poly synth or sampler (i use the a4/dt for hardware and a variety of soft synths). it’s way more about how they’re creatively processed than the raw sound.


For dub techno the classic choice would be a Prophet 5 but it’d be crazy to buy one just for that because, as others have said, lots of synths can do a good job of it. You could even get Repro-5 and sample a load of variations to go at it from another direction.


Like others have said its impossible to say. Part of dub chords is putting your own twist on it. I have seen guys make insane dub chords out of a saxophone sample. Personally some of my favorites came from using the Deepmind. But then I got a Take5 and loved making them with that.

Honestly a lot of amazing dub chords came from samplers. And the Octatrack is an amazing option for this.

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Roland Juno’s were used a lot for dub techno, especially that hollow filtered woody type.


I’m using Digitone but don’t like FM synthesizing of dub-chords, for me it works fine for the rest of sounds of dub techno such as textures, sfx etc… I used to make dub chords in Artruria Pigments where they are sounds perfect, so I want some same wavetable synth. I think 1700$ is max price.

dub techno

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may be someone knows the same synth but wavetable?

Spend these 1700$ in a mixer, a delay and a reverb. Or two. Any synth will do!


I don’t know much about wavetable synths, I’m afraid.
Maybe this one?

But I don’t know if it’s the best for “dub” sounds as such


You can have awesome dub chords by just using a saw-single cycle waveform. Don’t think you need any special synth for it, it either needs to be polyphon or be able to resample.


Isn’t the Digitakt already a wavetable synth?

Wavetables are samples but calling a sampler a wavetable synth is a bit of a stretch :wink:

I think a JU-06a would be perfect for dub techno.


literally anything with three oscillators or that will let you play basic tri-chords. this really doesn’t require specialist equipment, with the tiniest bit of effort you can sound like your favourite bits of Deepchord / Basic Channel for literally no money. software will do you fine. the question is, once you’ve got that sound, can you turn it into a worthwhile composition? what of the other elements? how do you evolve it? what’s going to differentiate your track from the dub techno glut of the previous two decades? i really struggle with this