Best synth to do what an Access Virus can do

I am going to hold off a few more years in desperate hope for a new Virus. Besides, I need time to focus on learning all my new gear!


Just kidding.

Had it last week. I didnā€™t appreciate these functionalitiesā€¦:expressionless:

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Nothing wrong with an extra push. Iā€™m quite the procrastinator.

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I like this one too : :wink:

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Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s a direct competitor to the virus. Access hasnā€™t said anything in years but theyā€™re still selling. The TI2 is just magical for me. It captures all of my subtractive synthesis needs with a hella mod matrix to boot . I get that the tone isnā€™t everyoneā€™s cup of tea but itā€™s a very deep synthesizer. Sorry, I was just looking at my gear and admired my love for this thing.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s still a great synth but I have enough gear to not pay a lot for it. Iā€™ll wait a few years and see if virus gets an update or not.

I think youā€™ve CLEARLY made your point several times now so keep waiting for that update while everyone else enjoys the Access Virus for what it is. If youā€™re content without one, then youā€™re content without one and donā€™t need to keep repeating yourself.

The Virus has always been that synth that was out of reach for me decades ago and I remember watching it go through all its updates and hearing the music/scenes it inspired over the years. Having one satisfies a sentimental part of me as well.


Exact same feeling over here, with mine! :smiley:

Are you implying that doing original sound design is just too much effort?

Not at all! My point was that itā€™s far less work to achieve complex sound design in a software environment where you can easily layer, resample and carve away at recordings.

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This I agree on. In a DAW with the NI Komplete plugins, I can knock out complex tracks that would require a ton more patching on modular and programming Elektron sequencers. Thatā€™s why video game and film composers spend most of their time ITB living in a DAW on a computer with a massive computer monitor and MIDI keyboard controller than using external hardware synths with folks like Hans Zimmer and Trent Reznor as the rare exceptions and even then they still use ITB most of the time. I like Overbridge with Elektrons and sad that Access has bailed on supporting true support on the Apple platform. Virus is still a great synth and if I found a steal on one sure why not?

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Because you already stated how frustrated you are at Access for not updating it and that youā€™re not buying one until they do. This is the last time Iā€™m responding to you; your circular reasoning is exhausting.

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Never said that my dude. Iā€™ll wait and see what new VA type synths come on the market in the future.

The Modal Cobalt8 is one of the newest VA hardware synths at the moment and the V2 update added a bunch of stuff if youā€™re looking for VA.

Much like everything else, it doesnā€™t have the smorgasboard of capabilities the VIrus has.


I can predict how this story will go because itā€™s a tale as old as time.

  1. I donā€™t like this synth because the interface looks clunky or it sounds cheap or something else
  2. What other synths can do what this synth does?
  3. Iā€™d love to have this synth but my other synths can do what it does
  4. Hey guys check out this new synth I bought!

Surprised that nobody has said the Waldorf Kyra. It has a field programmable gate array chip rather than a dsp chip (almost two decades old at this point) and can run a stupid number of voices. It is pretty much a virus clone with updated architecture

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The Virus is a synth on its own and there is nothing that can replace it. Of course there are other VAā€™s that do things the Virus can do. And maybe even better and up to date. There are excellent VAā€™s out there.

But the best synth to do what the Virus can do is the Virus :slight_smile:

I own 3, the Virus KB 61 keys, Virus TI 61 and the T2 Polar. WHY?

I bought the KB used and really liked the sound of it. Also the programming is cool. But I wanted more. Like being able to use Delay and Reverb at the same time and on different channels.

So I bought the TI 61. It was broken so I got it cheap, around 1000, I knew it was something with the power supply so I bought one for 20ā‚¬ and sure enough that fixed it. I just LOVE the keybed of those things, the Fatar TP8s is the best.
Anyway, just when I bought that, a TI2 Polar showed up and I could not resist, it was less than 1200ā‚¬ and flawless in the original box. Wonderful synth.

That is why they are called Virus!

I thought I would sell one of the other models but unfortunately I donā€™t know which one because all of them have something special. :roll_eyes:

The plan is to sell both 61 models at one point and buy one of the last new ones before they finally stop making them and then that will last my life time. Letā€™s see how that goes, might end up with 4 of them :joy: