Best synth to pair with Digitakt? If you only had one

Yep. I think you’re right.
The Modor definitely has a Midi over USB connector.
Seriously looking forward to the my Kordbot arriving one day… Maybe! :wink:


Depending on how that worked out in practise you might hit mem limit on DT?

Only 64mb per project on DT I think? No multi-timbral on OP1 and no timestrech on DT. Neither factor would be an issue a lot of the time. But if youre using DT as ‘bank per song’ and end up needing to sample a lot of Op1 sounds as loops to keep the integrity (note length characteristic or polyphony etc) of a sound etc or if you wanna use more than one Op1 sound simultaneously, maybe memory would become an issue?

Hard to say without trying it in a full live set. Maybe memory would be fine. Or I guess just could use multiple projects and the Op1 to fill in the load time if playing live. I’d say your A4/AK suggestion was more on the money tho, and grab an Op1 later too :wink:

I think I found the one

Bonus is the form factor


I love the NYX. I really want to get one… such a beautiful sounding synth.


Besides the Modor NF-1m, the Futuresonus Parva can as well.


Parva is 8 part multitimbral with multiple outputs too. Parva would pair great with the DT imo.

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I hear all synths…

but not the TORAIZ AS-1 Monophonic analog synthesizer

why not?


yeah thats a nice one

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Wow, I actually have never heard about this synth. I am about to buy a multitimbral synth to go with the Digitakt… I wonder if that would be a good decision over the Nord Lead 4R, similar price, but I doubt it is as trustworthy and easy to dial in sounds… (I am also not a big fan of double filter architecture)
Definitely an interesting synth though!

A few I have been thinking of but the Preenfm2 nice little multitimbral FM synth with custom waveforms that hasn’t been mentioned here.

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I have both… but I think some E2 parameters are not playable with midi cc which is a bummer. I do love the sound of the filter modeling on it though.

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By far my favourite implementation of multi-timbrality is on the Nord Leads. I use a NL A1 when I play live. Lots of polyphony. Dead easy to program great sounds. Separate outs. Arpeggiators that lock to incoming clock properly…

For portability I wish I’d bought the A1R though.

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I think all the parameters available on the electribe can midi controlled, I’ve been CC’ing the osc edit, oscillator glide and the decay.

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Oh cool! I really need to hook them up, I had assumed because you couldn’t send cc on the pitch/glide knob that you also couldn’t receive on it. And here I am gassing over other synths to hook it up to… I guess preenfm2 is really the only thing I can reasonably want because I have nothing that does that type of fm yet.

I messed up and didn’t cancel my Serum trial so I’m stuck with that as my go to synth along with my Op1. But I hate the whole need of the midi interface etc for the two. If only a monomachine was battery operated

People have run the Monomachine from external battery packs before.

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Haha the doubletakt! I’ve been playing microgranny 2 from the digitakt and I can confirm that is awesome and an actually granular sampler with parameter locks is pure insanity. Still I can’t help but think that something that is multi timbrel and does fm or subtractive would give you the most to work with, for stuff to sample and sequence.

The trouble with pairing a digitakt with a digitakt is that now you need to find something to pair your 2nd digtakt with… :cb_m::cb_o::cb_r::cb_e::cb:


It’s insane the amount of times I’ve placed an order for the Digitakt, and then cancelled it. I’ve cancelled my DT orders four times now, but I just placed another one today lol.

I want it again now mainly for pairing with the Roland D-05 I preordered. I plan on running the DT through the D-05’s stereo mix input to preserve the D-05’s stereo image.

This will be my hip-hop/trap rig; the ability to split & midi control the DK-05 playing two different sounds is going to be great.

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got mine paired the majority of the time with a monomachine and it presents a lot of sonic possibilities.

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