Best value ADAT converters to add more inputs to RME

Happy Monday y’all!

I use as my main USB interface an RME Fireface UCX (MKI) with Black Lion Audio Mod.
The 8 analog ins is not enough now - I’ve hit the tipping point.

Any intel on the best value 8 analog in-to-ADAT converter around $300?
It doesn’t need to have functionality beyond just converting the signal and going into the RME via ADAT. I don’t really want a new interface cause the RME rocks my socks.

So, an old MOTU Ultralite? Behringer ADA 8200? An ancient Echo Layla?
Smaller is better but I also don’t want to sound awful. Also, does a word clock BNC connector input provide any advantage over the sync provided by the ADAT cables themselves?

Thanks 'Nauts!

i just got the evo 16 with 16 i/o from/back to my A&H mixer and i really love it as my main interface. slightly more than $300, but not by much

*oh, they just released the pre amp too, which i think is equivalent to that ada 8200

Audient Evo SP8 Smart Preamp


there’s probably a better answer but one option is to look out for a Fireface 400 or 800. you may need to find a Firewire computer or a way to convert it to USB so you can configure it. but then it should be good to go as an ADAT converter with no further computer connections. this is what I did with my old 800 when I moved onto a UFX. wasn’t really worth selling it. plus if you do get the necessary conversion adapters, then you’ve got an extra interface if you need it.


Both great ideas! Thank you = )

I recently picked up a used scarlett octopre to add line inputs via ADAT for $250. It has combo connectors with mic pres as well, but I don’t use them. The Behringer ADA8200 is even cheaper than that. I have had sync issues with lightpipe, so I use BNC word clock – it’s super easy to connect and just works.


Do yourself a favor: don’t buy the Behringer ADA8200


Yeah my experience with Behringer stuff has been… mixed.


Dope, thank you everyone! OK, sounds like Behringer is out. Short list is an old Fireface or the Audient EVO 8-input preamp (what a value!)

I got a Behringer ADA8200 for my Ultralite mk3, was, super cheap. and then one by one the channels started dying.

when it did work though, it worked flawlessly.


whoa, I just learned that RME Firewire 400s can daisy chain to other FW400/FW800 units directly via the FW port, which I would presuuuuume uses some proprietary magic that performs better than ADAT.

I’m going to check if a FW400 and Fireface UCX can simply be linked that way. That would be amazing.

Used MOTU Traveler MK1. If being clocked by a superior interface, it sounds as good as anything available today.

Got mine for $80. Use it with my UL MK4.
16 high quality ins and outs with sub 4ms round trip latency @ 44khz, even less @ 48khz.

Very cheap now that the driver doesn’t support modern operating systems. But you can program it from the front panel to be a standalone A/D/A converter.


I’m using an old MOTO 828 mk2 as an 8-input ADAT converter. A little fiddly to set up with the front panel. But it’s set and forget. Works and sounds great, and nice to be able to actually use an old FireWire interface for something.


I have this and have had no problems. Knobs feel a bit cheap compared to the Scarlett 18i20 it’s slaved to.


Thanks for replies, yall! Very insightful. I went with Adam Jay’s MOTU Traveler MKI.

I have an RME Babyface Pro FS and I’ve been using an old Motu 828 MkII for this purpose. The extra I/O is great and you can configure the Motu via the front panel so no need to worry about drivers etc.

Bear with me… I picked up a used Ferrofish Pulse 16 for £550 on eBay a few years back. It’s 16 I/O and you won’t be able to fully utilise the 8 of the I/O due to only having the one optical in and out on the RME UCX but if you sold the UCX and bought a used RME Digiface & Ferrofish you could have 16 I/O, the functionality of Totalmix, and room to add up to 32 I/O with another 16 I/O ADAT from the Digiface further down the line. You would be without the FX in Totalmix and the Mic Pres on the UCX thou :slight_smile:

for $300 you’re better off looking for something used. FWIW i recently sold my 8 channel i/o Lynx Aurora8 w/adat card for $800 and i consider it a ‘pristine’ sounding converter. totally transparent. I used it as an expander for RME interface.

you can find various 8 channel converters by apogee on ebay for decent prices. also, craigslist often has random pro audio things including converters.

i’d recommend getting dedicated AD/DA expander vs a second interface and making an aggregate device but that’s just my experience from years ago.

but new, for about $500 is the audient EVO SP8 8 channel i/o w/adat

do some research on it though. it’s relatively new has some interesting features.


I used Ada 82000 for quite some time with my rme interface. Never had problems with them. They just worked

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I use a Focusrite Scarlett Octopre , works well for me, not super expensive.

I too have used an ADA 8200 for years with my RME Babyface, and with no issues. I’m sure given the price point and the company, there may be some quality control differences, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised with mine.