Best version of Machinedrum?

If I am into getting one, which one is the best version?

Mk2 UW with a +drive has all the goodies MD has to offer.

Mk2 has got 64 steps, UW means you can use samples on it and sample into it.

For me the plus drive is the thing I could live without cos whatever I sample on the MD, I’m using there and then and don’t need to store for the future.

If you end up getting the MD (they’re the best ever, IMO), do look into the awesome unofficial firmware, which gives you many great and useful features and possibly also into the Megacommand, which is a separate device giving you even more features, including modern-day Elektron sequencer capabilities.


Thank you a lot man. So MK2 UW it is. :-).

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No problem! Hope you’ll find one for a good price!

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Yeah, they went a little up since the last time. But there are always deals to be had. Very capable setup one gets. Out of these boxes. :-).

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Be sure to check that have the + symbol on the front panel

+= +Drive

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MDUW+ mk2 with a non UW faceplate :smirk:

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The price difference isn’t that big from what I have looked.

Yeah for sampling, right?

All UW have sampling

+Drive is for extra data storage you have 128 slots to save patterns and samples

MDUW MKI (1 slot 32steps)
MDUW + MKII (128 slots 64 steps)

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