Best videos explaining Parts

Any suggestions on the best videos explaining parts on the OT? Is there a @cuckoomusic video that gets into that? I’ve watched them several times since they were put out, but they’re so dense I can’t recall if there’s a section on parts. Any other video suggestions?


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Parts can be considered as kits.
Something you don’t understand here? :

Manual, p17

4 parts are available to each bank. A part contains machine assignments and their associated samples, track parameter settings, FX assignments as well as 16 scenes. A pattern is always linked to a part. Changing parts will let the new part be controlled by the active pattern. For more information, please see “4.7 PARTS” on page 17.

There is a loop. Read it until you understand! :joy:

@eangman ?


Reading the manual is something I already do, but to your point - it’s dense at times. That’s not really addressing my question about videos though, so hopefully others will chime in.

I understand parts, but haven’t used them a bunch and I just like seeing video explanations when possible. I think the visual approach with the Octatrack is really beneficial (I can’t imagine I’m the only one! :slight_smile: . I’ll continue tinkering and manual reading, but figured I’d ask if anyone had suggestions in addition to those approaches.

I’m basically regularly rewatching videos just to refresh my memory on some of the deeper, less frequently used elements and to hopefully discover some new little tidbit I didn’t notice the first, second, third times I watched the video.


parts are linked to patterns(each pattern remembers what part they use). Machine assignments, sample assignments, fx, scenes(yes 16 scenes per part, take advantage), parameter settings. I typically use them when i want to change what samples are assigned to the tracks so i dont have to sample lock each step as the song develops. But they can be used a lot of different ways. Try this, load 8 samples onto the 8 tracks. Put some trigs down make a pattern. Add fx, make scenes. Copy paste part1 to part 2. Now goto part 2 and change what fxs are assigned, scenes etc. Then go back and forth. Just 1 use. Another would be to do the same thing but change what machines are assigned, or what samples are loaded on them. Good for changing drum sounds etc. Hope this helps!

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If you think of parts as an OT limitation. as opposed to a feature, they are far easier to understand.

If everything could be saved within a pattern there would be no need for parts.

The things that are not saved within a pattern (basically the sample, scene and tracks parameters) are saved within a part. Unfortunately there are less parts than patterns, so there are only four parts for each bank of 16 patterns. Also, sounds (sample/scene/track parameters) cannot be saved individually on the OT.

Some Elektron boxes (e.g. A4) use kits, which are the equivalent of parts, but the number of available kits is equal to the number of patterns plus sounds can be saved individually.

Some Elektron boxes (e.g. DT), save everything within the pattern, and therefore have neither kits nor parts but also allow sounds to be individually saved.

Everything you think you could do using parts would also be possible if the OT had kits or saved everything in a pattern instead.

The only real advantage of parts is that it can save using a pattern. However, it is quicker to switch patterns on the OT than to switch parts within a pattern and the OT has twice the number of patterns of any other Elektron box.

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check out my last thread …it covers a lot about parts: Octatrack safe workflow with patterns

But then when I’m jamming on my pattern and make changes to track levels, filters, playback settings, whatever… When I switch to my next pattern where I use the same sounds/voices those live improv changes would be lost and my next pattern would revert to how it was saved, destroying my improv jam…

Also I like this little analogy, it’s more about the opposite, switching parts on a pattern:

Anyway, they’re crucial to my workflow, I’d love 256 but for me 64 is way better than 0… :slightly_smiling_face:


One simple use of parts is “part reload”… Save the part when everything is how you like, play the sequence and go nuts tweaking parameters… When it’s way out on the edge do a part reload and bamm, right back in the groove… Repeat as necessary… :slightly_smiling_face:


So, I take it there aren’t any videos that really get into Parts much then?

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Follow Merlins Guide one time and you know why and how to use it.

Sorry, I don’t know of any videos… :smile:
I typed this out already though so here it is… :slightly_smiling_face:

When you have a nice group of machines/samples/settings it’s often worthy to have a few patterns of variations or a progression of sequences that builds. The second pattern can have a different bass line but using the same voice, a different slice remix of a sample with a different order of slices and maybe some pitch locks and fx locks added, maybe you had a thru track going but you want to add a some sequenced fx and stuff to it, maybe you want your vocal sample to reverse, maybe add more hits to your drum tracks, maybe add some trigs to kick in a recorder and some to play the sample warped and sequenced. You make more changes to the third pattern, all on pattern level using trigs and locks, sample locks even.

By using the same part for these you get a nice progression and it allows you to mix(maybe your thru track was too quiet and you turned it up on pattern one, you don’t want it to jump back down on pattern2), add fx, change whatever settings you want like reverse the slices and filter the drums, and all your changes carry through the progression. When your progression is done after maybe two or five patterns or whatever and your tune is ready for more drastic changes, begin to use the next part for the next several patterns in a bank…

Even just the mixing part, having track volume changes remain when switching patterns, is crucial for live performance where you can’t stop, change the other patterns settings, and re-record… Same part for several patterns also gives you freedom to choose scenes on the fly, and not have them all switching up on pattern changes… Haha, I keep thinking of stuff, I guess I’ll stop now… :slight_smile:


Just a little video to help explain the relationship between Patterns and Parts on the Elektron Octatrack.

Working on it.


I wouldn’t say it focuses on parts specifically but this Dataline tutorial video on live sampling does showcase and explain some good uses of parts. Well worth paying for in my opinion.

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Is the Dataline video a tutorial or just him playing?

It’s a proper tutorial video. Not just the performance video.


Awesome. Thanks. I suppose I’m willing to pay for a new visual presentation. :slight_smile: If I can figure out how to download video on Bandcamp (new to me!).

have you seen the tutorial? is it worth it?

I bought it when I first picked up my OT. It was definitely worth the few bucks as a newbie. I’ll still refer to it sometimes when I don’t use my OT for a month or two.

Yes I paid for it. Definitely worth it, for me. There’s some good stuff on compression and gainstaging through the Analog Drive & Heat and the internal OT effects that I found very helpful.