Best way to make a full song

hey all, I’m kind of a MD noob, but I’ve been spending a lot more time with it recently. I’ve made some patterns I really like & I’d to make them into full songs. I’ve tried song mode but find it a little limiting. I’m thinking of bringing the MIDI notes into Logic & doing automation/sequencing in there. What do you all think? What’s worked best for you? I definitely want to do some mangling/tweaking of parameters for build up/break down purposes

You’ve got to be doing it wrong. Song mode on the MD is one of the most powerful features I’ve ever used…I’m sure many others would agree.

I wouldn’t mess too much with recording the notes in logic because then you will lose the power of P-Locks.

Try recording audio into logic and cutting up / arranging there.

I get song mode, but I might be missing something. for example, if I want a filter sweep that slowly filters up over a long period (longer than 64 steps) how would you do that? I’ve looked into LFOs but that didn’t seem to work too great for me

youtube “machinedrum superslow lfo” by catabolicdj / veets

youtube “machinedrum superslow lfo” by catabolicdj / veets[/quote]

There are many ways to do this, and none of them have anything to do with song mode.

One way is to play it live - you can do this in pattern or song mode.

Another way is to use slides and a CTRL machine. You’d put one lock on the first note, lock the cutoff, then put another lock later on in the pattern and lock the cutoff higher.

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