Best way to use iOS Fabfilter to master?


I bought all the fabfilter stuff for iOS on Black Friday, but havent used any of the iOS stuff much since I also got a Syntakt and Maschine, and now I wanted to start.

Whats the best way to amster in iOS? I know i could bounce a track into my ipad and then open in garageband, or AUM.

I am really familiar with Logic, so Garageband makes it a more comfortable transition, since AUM seems scary at first, but I think its hosting functionality with Drambo as well, makes it a better choice?

Could I get some help on how to start? Any links to some walk throughs or some steps?

I really appreciate you all, thank you!

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I bring the audio in Auria and put the fabfilter stuff on that one track. Nice to see the whole waveform and loop sections of it with the markers etc while adjusting the eq/compression etc - don’t think you can do that as easily in AUM but I’m sure there are other apps than Auria just as suitable - Cubasis for one

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Good to know. Thank you. I’ll look into Auria.

When I first got an iPad you could only buy & use fabfilter plugins within Auria, so my habits are probably a bit of a throwback to that…

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I looked it up, and it seems powerful… I’m just concerned about taking on too many new environments… i need to learn Drambo and AUM… and I already know Logic, so to plug Fabfilter plugins to garageband might be easier for me… and then I can focus on the other hosts and sequences…

It first world problems for sure, but all of these have so much functionality that overlap, that it makes it hard to make a decision.

I really appreciate your helping!


So true

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Have you tried it in GarageBand yet?

I still don’t use the iPad Pro for anything audio (despite having all the tools and prior intent to do so). I also have not bought into the Fabfilter iOS yet but use them regularly on desktop.

Auria is a bit busy but Cubasis is friendlier to get up and running with if you really need a new environment.

Still, if you can access the plugins in GarageBand, then you shouldn’t need more.

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let me check right now…

I got it to work… its a little menu dive-y, so it would need to be made into a template, but it seems to be great… I may not get the MacOS version, just to make it more of an incentive to use the ipad

The speakers sound like shit on the ipad pro… way better on my macbook, so I would need headphones

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:rofl: Yes they do sound like shit.

The Fabfilter stuff were my first ever purchases, so it’s always been another small upgrade, but I can see them being costly to buy outright.

Nothing wrong with headphones so long as you’re used to them.

I was watching Mix with the Masters featuring Idania Velencia and it’s nice to see she’s using the headphones model she’s most familiar with for great masters, instead of the most expensive model.

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I just need to ballpark my tracks… noone is looking for my music, so its all probably overkill anyways…

you know what kind of headphones? i got three different ones… AudioTechnicas, Sony, and Beryndynamics

I would choose which ever ones you best listen objectively on. Not when jamming out, but critical listening.

I’m assuming that’s likely the Audiotechnicas or Beryndynamics?

I spent lots of years using AKG K240s and I would still use those if my listening environment wasn’t so loud. Open Backs are not good for my space.

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Good call… I use the Sony 7506’s the most since they are the cheapest, but sound great and are comfortable… so I am most used to those…

I dont worry about them when i am taking them out to produce on the road (I night drive to places around chicago, and produce looking at cool cityscapes, like road bridges and train depots.)

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What are the tools you need to get audio into an iPad? The son’s Mac laptop is dying and we were wondering about this earlier.

An audio interface for recording directly to the iPad. If he’s already got one for the computer then it should work on an iPad (but just do a quick online search to be sure)

You might need an adapter depending if it’s a lightening connection vs USB-C on iPad Pros.

there’s also interfaces that work easily with the iPad.

Someone else posted successfully using this little $79 interface for 2-inputs with an iPad Pro.

I have not used one, but I am considering it since it’d open my iPad use. I’m mostly working with recoding audio, so it’d be useful if it works.

Otherwise, in this thread we were discussing transferring recorded audio files from desktop to the iPad to finish/master on the iPad, but I’m guessing this isn’t an option if the laptop is dying.


Yeah it was something he wanted to record rather than transfer.

That might have been me. Yes it works, but for most purposes I would recommend any other proper audio interface. If you want extremely compact and lightning/usbc compatibility it’s worth a look but have to be a bit careful with gain.

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