Best ways to keep DT sounds preset when shifting patterns


Looking for a quick advice.

I got a full set prepared with an ot + ar + a4 + dt. Basically 16 tracks from A1/A8 up to H1/H8.
(Almost) All tracks are made under a 1 bar dogma, not that really matter but well…

I m now moving on to add some variation by shifting one or all the device from (A/H)1 to (A/H)2.

With the A4 and the AR I m at home using the same kit, same with the OT here using parts instead.

I m less used to the digitone. So far, it has just saved automatically the last tweak I ve made on any parameters at all time. Which is fine but can bring some pains sometimes too.

Anyway, what would the best approach to ensure that I have the same sounds when switching patterns?

From a quick read on the manual, it seems that the brute force approach is to save each sounds individually and load them into each new pattern created as desired. A bit tedious but why not…

Before I start going through 64 of these savings and shenanigans, I wonder if someone have an other approach to offer?


Here’s one method - The Best Workarounds for Syntakt + Digitakt + Digitone | You NEED to know these tips! - YouTube .

(Not tried it - bookmarked for when/if I acquire a digi box)


Thanks for that.
It’s a good vids but I think I m not even that far yet!
Basically I can save a sound.
The thing that bother me is that if I tweak it during live play, move on to another pattern, when I come back it is the last parameters set that apply, not the initially saved sound.
Basically a recipe for disaster long term.
I looked on the manual and didn’t find how you can force loading a sound each time the pattern is reloaded.
Any ideas?

Func + Yes (Save Ptrn) will save the current state of the pattern in whatever settings you want

Func + No (Reload Ptrn) reloads the pattern in its last saved state

so Save, tweak, Reload

new pattern will always have init sounds unless you copy them there before hand
(track -> func+rec to copy, func+stop to paste)

after you do that there is global mix and fx option, so that track volume and fx parameters are global and dont jump around during pattern change (settings, somewhere low)

if you want to speed it up you can have a master pattern with the desired sounds, and copy it once instead of track sound 4 times. :v:

id like to find answer for this one too! most of the time i see people spamming quick-save reload during a pattern change, which usually works.

All right,
Thanks for that,
I found it a little weird on electron designer not too load the saved sound as the baseline.
But how well, I guess, it is just a question to get the reload within your workflow.
PS: please tell me that it reload the four synth in one go :smiley:
If not, I think the digitone is going for sell when I m done with this set :joy:

All right the func +yes/no trick do work on the four channel at the time.

On the other hand the volume are saved…

So if I m having let’s say synth 1 at 0 on pattern A1 and I want to move smoothly to A2 but now on A2 the volume is saved at max I ve got synth 1 jumping into the mix…

That’s not workable at all…

I m dumb or missing something or is it just a massive wtf???

Why did electron changes their workflow so much from the AR/OT/A4 to the digitone?

It IS different, isnt it?
I started on the Digitakt and Digitone and got an Octatrack and that whole change in flow really messed me up.
BUT! with time i see the benefits to both methods.
Digitone saves everything on a per Pattern basis.

All right,
The big question then is “are the two workflow compatible?”
Here let’s stick to one variable only (it’s already complicated enough lol)
Let’s take just the volume,
On the OT/AR/A4 the volume of each channel is not saved.
As such when you go from A1 to A2 let’s say, the volume of each channel stay the same in A2 as they were in A1.
The advantage being to be seamless during the change.
The cons being that is pretty challenging to do hard transition this way or with a lot of planning ahead.
If I read you correctly this is the other way around for the digitone?
Bring the volume would the last one use the previous time I would have played A2…
That would be a deal breaker for me in the end I think…

use global pattern volume/mix/fx for performance
use amp volume for sound default levels

global settings allow you to smoothly transition from pattern to pattern in regards to volume and fx

its in the settings menu of the digitone, GLOBAL FX/MIX

i agree that DN has a handful of wokrflow hoops, but if you like how it sounds, its worth to hop through them :content:

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Thank you so much, you saved my day!
Actually I could have kept reading in my manual, you ve got to install the latest OS to get this option!.
PS I do like the sound of the digitone. It brings a lot of brightness that you can’t get with the A4.

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