Best YouTube channel to follow

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I guess I haven’t been spending much time on youtube in the last few years but I’ve noticed now when I go to look for some tutorial or whatever that my home page or whatever is full of suggested videos that basically look like borderline porn. Is that something new?

Google tailor the homepage content based on your interests and watch history, so uh… :joy:


I dunno, just lately it’s been inundating me with videos that are completely unrelated to any of my interests/viewing history. Something has definitely changed with the algorithm in the last week or two, either that or it’s just run out of things to recommend and it’s just going for the most popular thumbnail wankers it can drum up.


Yes, I swear to god and to my gf that I never intentionally clicked on a “yoga dress challenge” or “latest bikini haul” video in my life… and what the hell happened to my Dr Brule recommendations as I certainly have sought them out!


Maybe it’s the ‘Shorts’! There’s a strip of them on the homepage and they don’t seem to have any tailoring at all - it’s pure TikTok nonsense (and definitely uses the male gaze as a click bait mechanism).

That said sometimes you can fall into annoying holes if you watch a piece of content that YouTube latches onto. There can be strange cross correlations too, albeit I see those less with music content. It doesn’t take much for the reactionary content to start creeping in.


It feels like a pattern.

A few months ago they started creeping unrelated bullshit into my search results, now they’re just straight up hawking it in my recommendations.

If it gets much worse I’m sacking them off.


British electronic musician YouTube homepage starter pack

It’s not even like that though, it’s these Minecraft wankers and these sidemen wankers and all this (clearly very popular) stuff that I have zero interest in or zero relation to.

And it doesn’t matter howany tes I tell YouTube I don’t want to see it, it keeps coming back.


Soon you’ll be laying off the whole internet!


I’ve got it down to pretty much YouTube and here.


It gets obsessions - and you can spoil your friends alogorithms if you try hard enough :joy: It seems to refuse to treat my Nate Horn account one-dimensionally by only showing me music content, and so insists that because I’m british I must also want exceptionalism content and Russell Howard stand-up routines. I never watch either…

I always browse youtube in firefox with a container and I have history off even that i’m not logged in, so I get the most weird stuff on the homepage not related to anything I watch at all, like a guy named Mr Beast and all of his thumbnails is him with a gaping mouth and all his titles includes money amounts… like wtf is this and why YT promoting this idiocy??


I have the exact problem…My interests are very narrow music and podcasts. However, I get inundated with these dating and sidemen hyper dry shorts bores.

Imagine the number of people who do not have the age,
the desire or the ability to avoid it.
It’s like our society needs an idiocracy…wait :thinking:.

:upside_down_face: :nauseated_face: :upside_down_face:


every video has millions of views so that’s millions of people! I mean, I would expect YT take the higher approach of being more educational platform but apparently i’m a minority…

yeah every thumbnail is dumber than the other… I wish there was some real competition to bring YT down…

31000000 blue thumbs
For the one I illustrated…
This guy could be president.

Who would try to tackle this behemoth (Yt not MrB) ?
It is also filled with very good things (Yt pas MrB).
It would be easier if everything was bad on it.

I suppose “bread and games” is timeless observation…

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