Best YouTube channel to follow

I cannot get enough of these guys. Putting Elektron machines to work!

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Some good interviews/open mic chat with William Burnett

The Regis one is good.


Andy Edwards’ Channel (another serious bump/thumbs-up) is broadening and brewing rather nicely - everything he does he does with a rare authenticity (especially now he’s feeling liberated to talk more about his own passions, rather than looking for a crowd to satiate within a subset of his interests (i.e. the prog people) … he’s serious and he’s not … but he’s no regular youtuber with regards to some of the stuff we hate and see through - this interesting video and a few others he put out lately are always engaging, but he touches on a few points in this one which illuminate why he’s one to give a go (coming from any specific musical interest)

the 'tache is a gag based on some of his earlier vids and he’s jazzing (blowing/riffing) all the way through this one - it’s a topic with an ‘in’ to many, and as ever, he has a nice way to package up his stream of consciousness without any concessions to the medium of you-tubing ‘properly’ - his thoughts on aspects of perfectionism and mental health and his own process here are thought provoking and refreshing to hear from someone who has somewhat lived the dream (touring with Robert Plant), not that you’d know, it’s all very down to earth

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This is an excellent watch/listen … confidently predicting this is a worthy watch from half way through … awesome ‘tunes’ anyway … good channel too


That guy doesn’t care much about being liked by a crowd who love the 80’s but never lived it. :wink:

That’s a great find. There were a few connections that I hadn’t noticed before.

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update: now that I’ve seen the whole clip I see that I was mistaken, Espen hasn’t totally lost it, it’s just more insecurity directed at hipsters lol, hipsters live rent free in a lot of peoples heads these days

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I though all the hipsters went out of fashion, when that OG hipster from Vice one day decided to become a neonazi.

wouldn’t that be equating being a hipster with being a nazi, I dunno man I think the math is still out on that one at any rate, institutionalized racism is probably too main stream to fit under the hipster umbrella, people always say hipsters are only interested in niche idioms and these days being a nazi is synonymous with being a patriot in a lot of circles.

I dunno. That man’s a joke, no need to be serious about him. I feel like all this hipstery is a thing of the past today. Funny memories though. Hipsters matured and became karens, hehe.

I know a few younger dudes (so-called gen z) who think of this as some kind of ancient mythology nowadays. Maybe that’s true.

I don’t know about the Karen correlation but I definitely agree about it being a joke, whether he knows it or not… I was just surprised as I follow Espen he’s always had a lot more interesting things on his mind then spouting off about hipsters :grin:, but apparently he knew he’d raise some eyebrows hence the ‘he’s him and not you’ comment at the end of his clip, anyways why is everyone so angry these days I don’t even understand how alpha-snowflakism even works but hipsters keep coming up more and more often I guess we are running out of things to be offended by

Yeah. We all need internet detox from time to time nowadays. Including Espen, it seems.

well he has a really great channel, I’ve posted some clips of his on the forum before and whether he appreciates it or not I think Hipsters would really enjoy his channel

Next week we’ll have thousands of new proclaimed producers in the world because they installed Logic on their iPads. :rofl:

Next week we may also get some more
Youtube channels to follow
drop on here :thup:

it’s-easy-peasy … Link Like A Pro


Taking the piss out of houseplants and the “DAWless Jammin” phenomenon is one thing, but he comes across as a bit egotistical here, I have watched a few of his videos in the past, some of them are ok if not my taste. Hard to tell if he is being serious about larger keyboards as there are tons of them still being made, from workstations to analog and digital polysynths, bit dumb either way.

Overall just seems a bit salty IMHO.

What I like about this channel is that most of the topics (if you were a 90s music kid) are like “yeah I know mate.” But when you actually watch them, the forensic way he covers the detail actually digs into the detail of those stories in a way that others don’t. Good work.

