Best YouTube channel to follow

AvE has been one of the most oddly entertaining channels to follow on YouTube.

I know very little about modular and people who belong in this world but yeah, she’s quite unique !

Been enjoying this channel. All itb but knowledge is knowledge and he seems to be sharing the goods.


Maybe this got posted already,


I think it was not posted either (because almost all the channels I follow where already submitted from the most obvisous to the less known ones)

Does it seems we all live in the same echo chamber or ?

One outfitted with tape delays, post-processing, samplers, etc etc ad infinitum?

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Whatever happened to this guy?

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Thanks for this one. Awesome channel - I subscribed immediately.

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Sorry other youtubers, but this is how it ought to be :wink: … each moment of content is purposely packed with fibre rather than feeling like a (time) filler, it’s all about the possibilities and the process and the outcomes … very considered (i.e. gear is understood), no baggage

it’s probably not a template for (commercial) success[unfortunately, as with out-there music] as it’s tailored to folk who value such insights and you need patience as it’s really exploring the depth (generally of the smallest aspects) - more a labour of love that others get to enjoy (if and) while it’s there

for me this way ofgetting inside stuff is a bit of a busman’s holiday in the sense it mirrors my curiosities in understanding gear (although i haven’t watched his Elektron videos), but when they’re framed by someone else’s approach/instincts there’s still lots to glean - the more with less philosophy is one which really resonates with me

more than anything these are relaxing (strangely comforting) and insightful - the eclectic style and measured pacing are refreshing - i wish there were more channels in this vein; it’s not super active (recently) but the content is so good/timeless that you can get something from revisiting videos, even for stuff you don’t own

seems like a very nice chap too … i dig the gentle southern accent and especially the sedate delivery but it makes squeezing in a video in one sitting tricky (most seemed ballpark 45-60mins), it’s that whole change of gear that makes it relaxing and refreshing - hoping the channel stays periodically active, but it’s clear the guy has an enquiring(scientific/creative) mind so probably channeling that into other more worthy endeavours than entertaining a rare few similar souls around the interweb - the many positive comments on his content are testament to this uniqueness; when it hits the spot you’re compelled to acknowledge how much of a rare treat this particular quality of content is - as now i guess!

really a very singular approach (zero ego although it’s very much of the creator), maybe not for everyone but deserves a plug, glad i stumbled upon it … recommended viewing, keen to learn of others with this less ‘clicks-by-numbers’ template/aesthetic

as mentioned above it’s very chill, but the creative direction the gear is being quietly steered is not; no muzak … plus with agreeable scattered objects, cats, robots, whiteboards and total transparency, what’s not to like


This guy has some good Maschine tutorials but a lot of his Maschine packs reviews seem a bit more like commercials.

Confession time: I used to think a lot of the content providers I watch have issues. What kind of issues? Not serious, but… Sometimes I watch a Tim Shoebridge video and think “Dude. Can’t you take the time to comb your hair and shave before getting in front of the camera?” Then I watch a Nu-Trix video and think “Dude. It is time to do something about that beard. Either color it or shave it. Right now it looks like someone took a sharpie to your face and made scattered little marks.” Yes, I know. Harsh. But that is what I was thinking. Then I watch a Jef Gibbons video and think "This dude is too Hollywood. Always looking perfect and sitting in a perfect studio. He needs to loosen up and be more like Shoebridge or Nu-Trix. But he always looks like he spent the morning in the gym, then went to a barber before choosing his standard tight black t-shirt to show off his muscles.

But, the honest truth is, if I looked like Gibbons and had his studio I would be posting 2 videos a day just to show off. The reality is, on my best day I would not look as good as Shoebridge or Nu-Trix looks on their worst day. So I will just sit in my recliner and watch the good content providers and wish I had the nerve to do that. Yep, like everyone else, I have issues. :slight_smile:


Octadad all day!!! Love his sense of humor


And also we might be sleeping on Jorb (not super Elektron centric but I’ve learned some shit)


Just watched that. Thanks for sharing. Amazing. Could Untrue even get made today? (WRT this thread What’s the Law/Rules Around Using Samples)

This one is pretty interesting for junglists and music historians.


Whaaaat, no and Loopop?


I enjoy the unexcited presentation of that guy.


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My god this Beato guy. I had to tell YT to stop pushing his channel at me.