Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 08 | The Bar-Kays - Whitehouseorgy

Did some more to mine. Couldn’t help but add some Dudley as it seemed fitting. The audio quality is awful and it’s maybe cheesy but damn did I have fun and I hope that comes across.

Thanks for doing these @aarb420 & @natehorn :facepunch: - consider that a fist bump not a face punch as the text says!


It’s a head-bobber beat man, and you totally acheived a different flavor with the vocals that came out awesome!


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Bangers aplenty I’d missed a lot of these! :metal:


That’s actually a really addictive beat, one of those that doesn’t need too many changes.
And I’ve had it going through my head the past hour :joy:


Haha, I don’t know whether to say thank you or sorry. Maybe both :grimacing: :laughing:

I just tweaked it a little this evening as on listening back there’s some sloppy timing especially on the transitions from pattern to pattern. Problem with playing live, no quantise. Hopefully it’s slightly tighter now… not that anyone gives a shit :joy:


Haha, Definitely no apology needed.
I’m always more impressed by just a prolonged groove that can hold you for a few minutes with just slight changes to refresh the ears because that’s always going to be down to a good sense of drum placement and a feel for a swing.
I think the live feel is a good thing to be honest, I tend to spend a lot of time microtiming on Digitakt trying to make my quantising sound like it isn’t :joy:


Ha, well luckily/unluckily the microtiming adjust on the 404mk2 is pretty crappy so I don’t really consider using it! Appreciate your kinda words though mate. It’s been fun to do something again after quite a break. I kinda feel like I’ve lost the ability to develop tracks beyond basic grooves and loops but I suppose that’s the starting place and hopefully I’ll find a way to get back to developing stuff more at some point.

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FOLKS - I had my dates wrong and so didn’t share a new sample yesterday - I am forever ashamed - I’ll share something a little later!

Please forgive me