Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 15 | Alexander O'Neal - If You Were Here Tonight

If you’re gonna go for an upgrade, the new Mac mini’s are powerhouses, and relatively inexpensive for the processing power you get. Or wait because they are announcing new MacBooks in a bit.

I have an M1 MBP and it’s changed my life. Literally. I’ve said this before, but I got the MBP, and it came with Logic if you got the education bundle since I’m in school.

And I said…. Might as well get a synth since I have Logic.

And that spiraled out of hand real quick.

Went from this…

To this….

…in a year and a half. (There’s twice more, just in other rooms)


The end is so nice. Some sidechain 4 on the floor as soon as the reverb tail dies out, and the song structure is perfect, with all the mellow variation. I especially like the filtered part, and the melody with the (delay?), you could just double the song on itself.

I actually just woke up and will brew up some coffee, and maybe do a bit of a remix.

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Thanks mate that’s useful! Yea listening again it doesn’t end great, it could just as easily drop into something different as much as develop further itself - I think I see what left you feeling that way. This can be one of the challenges with recording this stuff live I find, ending stuff properly! Never a challenge when being arranged in the DAW…

I don’t like the way this recording started either, I actually spliced in a different recording for the version I uploaded to YouTube where I bring the vocal in slowly over the synths - it eases in much better imo


That black Matriarch was a fine investment btw👌


Oh my god. I love it so much, and I didn’t when I first got her.

My PTSD is very active because I’m getting a real hard time at school, so I decide to drop out of the program and switch to the music production program.

So I haven’t been going to class because it causes me anxiety, but so does not going to school, just less so since I’m not around people who confronted me on multiple times.

Long story short, I have insomnia at times like this, and the deadline of an alarm to wake up to go to downtown Chicago to go to a class filled with people who aren’t feeling me just makes it worse, so it’s like a cascade failure.

So at 4 am, I was looking at the Matriarch and decided to power it up for some quiet noodling.

I almost let it run as I went back to bed.

I just made an arpeggio with D and D# , and F and F #.

Then I put the filter in serial mode, and played with the env amount and different Oscillator settings, while adding Modulation from the wheel.

Running through the stereo delay, just beautiful.

After I’m done chopping up your beat, I’ll go record a little bit of it so you can hear how wonderful that synth is.

I’m waiting on a new 3 tier stand so I can add the Malevolent to the top, and I’m going to set up that two tier in my living room with the Prophet and the Grandmother.

I like having a mono synth and a Moog in every room.


haha a solid approach to life!

What you’ll have going on is way beyond my understanding but know that in the grand scheme of things you’re not alone! Life aint always easy but we’re all bumbling through it best we can :blue_heart:

Hope things improve for you mate.


Oh, I’ve been here many times before. It’s why I’m classified as 100% combat related disabled.

Plus, this is a good thing. It made me switch programs, and by not going in, I’m running out the clock on this failed semester.

I would drop out, but I would have to pay back the housing stipend I use to pay off all the debt I have because… well…. That’s how you get a mono synth in every room, Moogs and a Prophet.

Credit Cards!

I swiped them bitches like Samurai Swords.

swish swish

Thank you for the kind words!


Damn dude. We have a lot more in common than I originally believed. Ouch. Sorry. We should probably have each others phone numbers. Just say the word doc.


Just chopped up the beginning and the end to make an intro of sorts, and got the whole thing sequenced.

Now I need to print it, and I may add some pigments or analog labs just because I’m really feeling this!

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Chopped and re arranged the bass with a tiny bit of distortion (; , sampled some bits of the percussion on the end of the track and looped those, also created some loops from the synth parts and re arranged the vocal bits and pieces. Don’t think i’m able to polish the track any further this week so this is it. Timing is a bit mweh here and there.


Fuck yeah @tubefund.


Night Moves In - @natehorn X BLKrbbt [REMIX]


I should’ve automated the sidechain.

But I recover once I add the baseline after a third of the way through.


Nice one mate some cool ideas in here :raised_hands: Love that raw sound

I downloaded all the stems and did another,
I ended up using Ableton instead of Digitakt for the first time in a good while.


:fire: :fire: :fire:

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This is special as Sunday. So cool.

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Alright, I’m gonna try still, but I also quit. Hahahaha. Killer stuff as always Yabba. Woof.

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yeah this is special as sundaymondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaySATURDAAAY…! nice one @BLKrbbt

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Wow, there’s some great stuff in here! Many styles, many styles.

@BLKrbbt, I especially dig it when the drums come in at 30 odd seconds. It’s got an almost drunken push/pull groove in a kinda FlyLo/Kaytranada way. Not sure if you’re referring to this part when you say about automating the sidechain but I dig it big time. It’s a viiiiiibe!


Yeah, I should have dialed it back just a touch. And then let it go back.

And I should have put a bass hit at the transition.

But thank you for the comparisons… that’s the best compliment.

But the vibe is all @natehorn, I was just riding his wave, and thank you for letting me remix.

I’m so happy that I’m getting so much use out of the TR8S! She was being neglected for a bit.

I can’t wait to take all this practice and apply it to the 007 challenge. This was a great warm up.


What a mess. Version 4. Fun song and thanks for the stems! Waited 40 mins for stemroller to process but had to run for the bus. My computer sucks.