BIGTUBE a noisy hazy techno EP

Just decided to do the final push and put out my latest EP BIGTUBE, spent far to long in talks with various indie labels and finally decided I would continue to self release for now. Noisier than any of my previous works not totally sure if I went to far or how people will feel about it. But I suppose it is out and I am happy it is! Gear wise it is a ton of digitakt and syntrx and a certain noisy delay.

Hope people enjoy :slight_smile: I had a lot of fun making this one.


Awesome sound, great mix, and love your graphic design aesthetic :+1:


Thanks! a lot of my aesthetic came about from making zines and such for funโ€ฆ itโ€™s been awhile I should probably do one again.


This is great @bwo ! I am loving the textures here, and it feels like I am swimming in a beautiful and cavernous techno bath.

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Really nice textures in this! Iโ€™m digging the noisy feel

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Thought I would add I put up some ceramics merch to coincide with this release, not sure if anyone on bandcamp will ever buy ceramics but I thought it was kind of a fun way to put it out there.


Nice, trippy stuff.
Shout out to Redwood City!

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