Bim and Bam, or Timeline and Big Sky? Subjectivity encouraged!

Want to get either pair, leaning toward the former though. Anyone have experience with either both delays or both reverbs or all four? I realize they all sound amazing, but which did you find the most enjoyable/rewarding/magic-in-a-box-ish?

Mostly would be for synth/sampler use.

My vote goes to: Big Sky. Just magic.

Big Sky is my vote.

Iā€™ve got Big Sky and love it

iā€™m partial to the Bim myself

Big sky sounds great, although I still prefer the reverbs in the competing Eventide units


Nobody complains about that but I really didnā€˜t like the workflow on the Timeline.
Working with the Eventide Space is much more intuitive in my opinion.

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Good thread. Iā€™m wondering exactly the same thing.

I have a big sky
Just otherworldly!

Iā€™ve had Eventide Space, Strymon BigSky and Empress reverb.
I sold the BigSky because it didnā€™t offer any ā€œspecial characterā€ reverb in my subjective opinion.
The other two are ace, but if I had to keep one only that would be the Space.
As I use mostly the Blackhole algorithm, an H9 core would perfectly suit me, I guessā€¦


iā€™ve heard similar issues with the timeline.

as for the eventide timefactor and space units, those really a breeze to program/configure.

I have a Timefactor and am kind of torn about it. The delay algos donā€™t sound anywhere near as good as those in Bim or Timeline, but itā€™s the best looper Iā€™ve ever used. Then again I donā€™t really need a looper, hence the mixed feelings.

Re reverb Iā€™ve never owned any of the big boy pedals but judging from sound demos Iā€™d get the Space.

Have used the Strymon pedals a few times and while they sound great the interface is pretty annoying. Lots of hidden submenus and functionality hidden behind foot switch combos. It works but itā€™s unintuitive.

Conclusion: BIM + Space.


Big Sky is lush, but depends if are after sweet sounds, or if you prefer a colder reverb for more industrial sounds. I am happy with my BIM and H9 combination.

I prefer the deep icy cavernous spaces of the Eventide over the Bigsky, but you should do what i did and buy both

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Thoughts on the Boss rv-500 in this league?

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Sounds pretty good from the demos Iā€™ve heard.
Worth a shot I reckon as itā€™s cheaper isnā€™t it?

This is a Great idea re h9ā€¦

Im going to do this!!!

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Rv 500 is awesome, bonus it has a digital delay available on every patch!
I just ordered a mooer ocean machine, I think it should also be mentioned cuz it has 2 delays, 1 reverb and are freely routable ie series parallel, change the order around etc.

Actually what do you want to achieve?
Big sky is magicā€¦but not for anything other than shoe gazing cavernous ethereal pad like kasmsā€¦there is a definate character that this pedal imprints onto the signal so if you put it on multiple tracks it will permiate and dominate your mixā€¦

For shorter reverbs i use a lexicon mx2000 as its more suited and can have delay and reverb in lineā€¦and has less ā€œcharacterā€ and more straight forward simple reverbsā€¦

I guess the question needs some more infoā€¦
What do you want to acheive musically?
What do you want from your reverb?


The difference between the H9 and Bigsky verbs for me is the H9 fully encapsulates the sound, the reverb becoming part of, and indistinguishable from the original sound being processed.
The Bigsky on the other hand tends to sit more on top of the audio, rather like a blanket, and although sounds amazing doesnā€™t sound quite as natural to me, as you are always aware of it when itā€™s processing the audio.
If you had one without the other you would be more than happy though I think, as they are both great.