Bitwig 2.5 Overbridge multitrack usb recording?

Overbridge device typically exposes all individual track/voice channels as separate USB Audio channels, for multi-track recording into DAWs. Some Elektron Overbridge devices such as the Analog Rytm and Analog Four also allow you to route audio from a computer host into individual track audio paths for intricate processing. I cannot seem to get Bitwig to display the individual tracks like Ableton.

Has anyone had success with Bitwig 2.5 and Overbridge 2.0 USB multi-track recording?

I haven’t installed the most recent OB Beta updates, nor do I have Bitwig 2.5 installed yet. Are you working with the latest updates?

Previously, I could instantiate the plugins, add missing chains, and could see multi-track audio within the device. However routing to individual audio tracks for recording was not possible. The audio was just not showing up on the separate tracks, either during recording or monitoring. Check my post history for screenshots, but keep in mind they were from previous builds. Someone said on another message board that Bitwig 2.5 ought to work with OB but I’ve yet to test it out…

Thus far OB is working great with with Bitwig 2.5. Recorded a few tracks etc. I just love multi tracking via USB and utilizing my CPU FX (with ableton). However moving to Bitwig full time and both my AR and A4 would be lovely to have fully featured in Bitwig. The amount of modulation features and ease of application with Bitwig gives me an unlimited amount of parameters to modulate on my Elektron gear (no limitation of LFO’s on AR) It opens up a new world.

At least we are a little closer.

Yes I’m confident they’ll get it right in time, and I’m right there with you re: Bitwig. The modular environment is very intuitive and having full OB integration will be quite something. Soon I hope!

Anyone have any recent experience with this? If so, how’s it going? Looking for DigiTakt and DigiTone experiences, specifically.

Works fine in Bitwig, you have to enable missing chains to get the individual track on the mixer channel and then they appear in the mixer. If you want to record them to audio you have to route each pair to an audio track choosing the vst plugin outputs as the source. These tracks won’t show/monitor any signal though, but they will record.

If you want apply effects instead of record, you can use an audio receiver instead to route the audio and then add effects as usual.

It is a bit clunky, but actually very flexible. You can set all this up as a template by putting it all in a group, create an empty clip and then save that to the clip library.


Thanks! I was used to the ass backwards (excuse my language) way Bitwig handles things like this after setting it up to work with VCV Bridge (which has now been deprecated, lol).

I was expecting nothing but drama but 2.0.16 worked flawlessly for me in both Bitwig and VCV 1.0. I was an Overbridge denier, but I might be a convert! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I was the same, never had much interest in Overbridge with v1 and the A4, but since v2 I’ve completely changed my rig from hardware only to routing everything through either Bitwig or Cubase. It’s amazing. I’m using 3 OB boxes successfully. There’s still a few bugs to squash but it’s getting there and perfectly usable.

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