Bitwig and Overbridge grid issue

Bitwig’s handling of Overbridge is by far the best I’ve used in any of my DAWS ( Ableton Logic and Maschine)
But I just can’t get it to sit on the grid in Bitwig. It drives me crazy.

Is there anybody out there successfully using Overbridge in Bitwig? and if so could you please let me know how you do it?

MacBook Pro
2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9
32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
13.0.1 (22A400)

Bitwig 4.4.6

I posted this in the Bitwig thread - as I wanted a way to sequence externally, stream audio via Overbridge and for notes sequenced externally (Cirklon) and notes programmed on the machines themselves all land on the grid.

So it’ll also get your audio landing on the grid for your uses by doing the same:

Thought someone may be interested in how I have set up Bitwig to work with Overbridge machines. And perhaps suggest how I could solve the missing piece to the puzzle.

Essentially How to externally sequence Elektron Overbridge machines in time, while still able to stream Overbridge multi channel audio

So previously I set up it so I could just stream audio from OB machines, and sequence them all from the machines themselves.

This works great and audio lands on the grid exactly (if buffer is set to 64 - haven’t got it landing right at 128. Yet)

However I use Cirklon to sequence the rest of my hardware and used to just automate pattern changes on OB machines via USB & DAW.

The ‘problem’ (for my uses) is that although my HW sequence via Cirklon and audio from OB machines (when clocked via OB) we’re landing on the grid in the right place - the two jitters were ever so slightly different as two seperate clock sources - but mainly I couldn’t sequence Overbridge machines without either the notes being latent, or turning off Overbridge and then losing multi track seperate audio on the Digi OB machines (as no seperate hardware outs like AR/A4 etc).

This isn’t a big issue and worked like this for years but I then wanted to explore sequencing OB machines via Cirklon and decided to hunt down if I could make it work in Bitwig having moved recently from Live.
When OB machines are synced via OB; midi arriving into the hardware MIDI inputs on the Elektron is latent due to how OB works.

So sequencing OB machines via MIDI when streaming AND clocking via OB does not work.

I then thought ok let’s try doing via USB instead as Cirklon has its own USB MIDI propriety code so isn’t as poor as usual USB MIDI from a DAW. But I still couldn’t get the notes to not be latent in response.

Back to the drawing board.

I then stumbled on a comment online saying that they clock OB machines via Bitwigs own USB clock - unusual as from using Ableton Live’s clock out I would not have thought it’d be good enough.

However Bitwigs is very good. Jitter is similar to my Multiclock (which is in a diff country atm).

And further to this you can push the clock in time to make up for it responding slowly. Add to this Cirklon’s ability to delay midi port outputs which allowed me to delay the now early midi notes so that they play the OB machine via Bitwig and USB :slight_smile:

So now I have it so that the machines are clocked via Bitwig and clock and transport is turned off in OB so it just streams the audio.

Now the audio from data sequenced on the machines is in time with Bitwig and lands on the grid. AND notes from Cirklon sent to OB machines, which are then recorded as audio into Bitwig ALSO lands in time and the jitter is great and the same across all machines as all derived from the same clock source (Bitwig only, and not Multiclock+OB).

Thought that may be of some interest to people out there. It’s handy for me as don’t have proper interface for Multiclock with me and so this means I have a tight travel clocking system all over USB :ok_hand:



Hi Dave,
Thanks so much for your detailed response.
I cant wait to put your suggestions into practice!
All the best

You are welcome! It works really well for me :slight_smile:

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