Blofeld love

yeah, otherwise i havent had any real problem with the blo either…

Even today I still have all my 4 Blofelds.
3 keybeds and 1 module.
That will keep me in spares for a while.

As for the matrix, I can whip through it for live edits like the
back of my hand. Like anything, you have to hone your craft.

Tried using the computer editors, but as I created 1024 patches
from the front panel, I still prefer the hands on editing approach.

Slowly trying to learn LMMS DAW, but after 43 years (of synths)
it is tough to bring an old horse to new water.


I love the Blofeld. This album’s sounds are 100% custom Blofeld sounds.


Nice, Phase47!! :slight_smile: the Blofeld is still one of the most underrated synths out there…

Still like to share my Blofeld weirdo patch which I created after watching all three Twin Peaks Seasons in a row:


Oh man seriously…?! Waiting for month and years for a discount and now I didn‘t look a few days into this thread and miss a lifetime opportunity?!

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I know, it’s never on sale ever :confused:

don’t know if someone posted it in the past but anyway

Blofeld & Blofeld Multi

Really nice album, thanks for sharing!

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Is this 100% dry Blofeld, or have you added some effects on top? Just curious since these sounds are way better than I’ve been able to get out of my Blofeld.

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Hi, thanks. Some of the sounds use the Blofeld’s internal FX and some were recorded completely dry. During mixing I added some Big Sky & TimeLine and that’s pretty much it for FX.

Big Sky is on my list and has been for quite some time :slight_smile: but just moved it to the top after listening to this album.

I’m seriously loving the sound of this album. Keep up the good work!

There are some posts on the facebook page of the bigglesworth editor. The developer is back and will continue upgrading this very special tool.


Big Sky is great. I also have an Eventide Space, but this one was all Big Sky - made the perfect space for the Blofeld’s wavetables. Glad you’re enjoying the album!

I just got the Eventide Space, and it sounds amazing with Blofeld. But keen on getting the Big Sky. What would you say was the biggest difference between those two pedals? My hunch is that Big Sky is a bit brighter while the Space is suited to explore the more darker side of ambient.

On the album I linked above, as noted, it’s all Big Sky for the reverbs. Custom settings. To contrast, on this album, I used Eventide Space. (It was before I got the Big Sky.)

To me, there’s a difference in density between the two. Space has got an amazing weight to it - it can create its own gravity fields, provide a rich volume and depth. Big Sky, on the other hand is, to me, more of an ethereal sound, more crystalline, more transparent and airy.

Both are amazing reverbs. I use whichever one I feel will work best with the source material / project / concept.


It gives the Blofeld an extra dimension, the Reverb is like an extra synthesis above the Blo ones

btw nice sounds :thup:


How are you guys designing sounds for the Blofeld, mostly through the synth’s interface, or using some programs?

I’ve been trying to use the built in interface but can really see this process be more fluent if there is a good editor available.

depends on the momentary mood, but editors can give a big overview

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I’m looking for a wavetable synth (that’s cheap) and came across the Blofeld. It sounds great but what is the verdict regarding the user interface? Is it really unpleasant to program?

Nah, as long as you don’t need one knob per function (which would be ridiculous for a synth this deep) it’s not actually too bad. The matrix layout makes accessing the main parameters pretty quick and the way parameters are arranged is intuitive. The encoders are okay, I don’t love the feel of them compared to eg Elektron but they’re fine.

It’s not going to be a live tweakers dream but for programming I think it’s fine (the large clear screen helps). It has comprehensive MIDI/Sysex support if you wanted to map additional controls to frequently used parameters, and as others have mentioned there are loads of editors.

For the price (especially second hand), it’s a great buy. Just make sure the encoders are okay if you buy second hand, there were some bad batches I think.