Blofeld + MonoMachine (Techno)

Blofeld+MonoMachine Track Test.
All sounds from Blofeld (6 parts in multi-mode. 4 drum patches, 2 synth patches.) No sample maps.
MonoMachine doing sequencing and fx only.

This is after the first 2 hours of having the Blofeld.

You make it looks soooo easy… Disgusting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Joke aside: good job & happy that you found your groove with the Blofeld!


It’s got some quirks.

As expected, the encoders have me really appreciating Elektron’s encoders. But they aren’t horrible.

I also appreciate Elektron’s kit system. It makes editing patches less destructive to the original patch. Without the kit structure, I wish Blofeld had more banks for patches. I will have to be very tedious in organizing things for composition and live performance.

When I send a program change to change the Blofeld multi from MnM, the multi changes, but the display doesn’t update. So I’ll be nervously tapping the Blofeld play button live to confirm what multi I am actually in before editing live.

I’ve been careful to turn off the voice hogs (comb and ppg filters, idle wavetables), but I think just running 6 channels out of the 16, I’ll rarely hit the processing ceiling.

Quirks not withstanding, it’s a great companion for Monomachine. The envelopes and ability to configure the filters in parallel are both very inspiring from a sound design perspective.


It’s got some quirks.

As expected, the encoders have me really appreciating Elektron’s encoders. But they aren’t horrible.

I also appreciate Elektron’s kit system. It makes editing patches less destructive to the original patch. Without the kit structure, I wish Blofeld had more banks for patches. I will have to be very tedious in organizing things for composition and live performance.

When I send a program change to change the Blofeld multi from MnM, the multi changes, but the display doesn’t update. So I’ll be nervously tapping the Blofeld play button live to confirm what multi I am actually in before editing live.

I’ve been careful to turn off the voice hogs (comb and ppg filters, idle wavetables), but I think just running 6 channels out of the 16, I’ll rarely hit the processing ceiling.

Quirks not withstanding, it’s a great companion for Monomachine. The envelopes and ability to configure the filters in parallel are both very inspiring from a sound design perspective.[/quote]
If you have an iPad get the Patch Morpher app for help with off loading patches and keeping track of banks AND coming up with some amazing sounds.

When I read before listening I thought that this would sound quite minimal or sparse… but jesus man that’s a whole track which sounds like it’s been made on many synths and machines. That’s really all the blofeld? Great work!

It work nicely like this with the virus ti too!! If the blofeld had midi thru i think i would buy one too!!


It’s got some quirks.

As expected, the encoders have me really appreciating Elektron’s encoders. But they aren’t horrible.

I also appreciate Elektron’s kit system. It makes editing patches less destructive to the original patch. Without the kit structure, I wish Blofeld had more banks for patches. I will have to be very tedious in organizing things for composition and live performance.

When I send a program change to change the Blofeld multi from MnM, the multi changes, but the display doesn’t update. So I’ll be nervously tapping the Blofeld play button live to confirm what multi I am actually in before editing live.

I’ve been careful to turn off the voice hogs (comb and ppg filters, idle wavetables), but I think just running 6 channels out of the 16, I’ll rarely hit the processing ceiling.

Quirks not withstanding, it’s a great companion for Monomachine. The envelopes and ability to configure the filters in parallel are both very inspiring from a sound design perspective.[/quote]
If you have an iPad get the Patch Morpher app for help with off loading patches and keeping track of banks AND coming up with some amazing sounds.[/quote]
I do! And CCK for the USB. Great tip, thanks!

Does these small boxes from midi solution works fine? I have already looked at it but the quite low price affraid me!

They do, as long as the device sending to input sends enough current to power it. (Elektron boxes all do)

Here’s a snippet of some Electro I made today. All Blofeld voices except the drones are two MnM FM voices.

Kinda funny, klerc, as I met you on here by saying the MnM is great for Drexciya style electro… and you had a Blofeld at the time…

Unfortunately it was not able to open the link…
You got my interest by talking about Electro/Drexcyia :joy:

I don’t miss the MnM… but I miss the blofeld (especially the KB version) it is a great piece of gear.

try this one instead

Great track.

Adam - good stuff! I get the sense that no matter what you use, you’re always going to make good techno! Keep on keeping on