Board games recommendations

I recently played Cosmic Frog for the first time and loved it! You play as 2-mile high invulnerable frog-deities eating and disgorging land and punching each other into the outer dimensions.

Honestly I feel like creating a soundtrack for this game…stay tuned​:frog::game_die::headphones:

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This is like still pretty vanilla when it comes to board games.

This is a worker placement game crossbreed with 4x. There are way more complex games in both genres, especially these German games, so-called “euro” games.

I play board games every Tuesday night, have done for years. Current favourites are:

Castles of Burgundy
Lords of Waterdeep

*I would also say Scyth but it rarely gets to the table…

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Have you tried Yedo? Big fan of that myself.
I play Castles of Burgundy a lot on the iPad, seems like it would be a component heavy board game with lengthy set up

I haven’t but will add that to the list. Castles has a hell of a lot of pieces. If everything is bagged it’s easy to setup - putting it away is a total pain though.

Yay! Games!

  • Funghi (Morels in the USA)
  • Coup + Expansion (the expansion is actually a patch)
  • Calico (cuz cute cats)

Feast for Odin.
Great Western Trail.
Mage Knight.
Mage Wars.

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Everytime…. box of beers…. Clear the table… here. We. Go.


Great Western Trail is fantastic. Takes a bit to get your head around but once it clicks…

Mechanically it feels fresh compared to a lot of games I have played recently - there’s a lot out there that feel like old mechanics with a different theme but not bringing much new to the table.

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I have to say that one could enchant their cards in gloomhaven, that is freaking genius, when you add elemts to your cards that enhances the interplay of the different characters considerably. (comes into play after 6/7 Scenarios) so you get overtime drawn in with the complexity, after loosing 1,2 scenarios and asking myself wow thats hard, its really cool to see how the game develops. Hands down the best dungeon crawl i ever played. ( and i had my share of DnD, Rpg, Pathfinder, Warhammer) Only Battlelore 2nd Edition is slightly comparable, while its a pvp game.)

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Anyone have tabletop simulator and want to link up?

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I don’t use tabletop simulator, but I do use, and highly recommend, to play board games online. It’s great to do long-term gaming on, where you can play as fast or slow as you like. I’ve had games last months, some players only make one move per day or even week. You can be in as many games as you like at a time, I’m currently in about 50+ games. But if all the players are online at the same time, games can be played in real time.

Mostly older games, it seems. But it’s free, and community-run; there are a handful of people who are coding up online versions, seems to get another game or two ever month or so.


Couldn’t stand gloomhaven personally. Worst of the dungeon crawlers Ive played.

Omega Protocol is excellent, kind of what Space Hulk should have been.

Well its up to taste, it has a lot of fiddely things to it, like cards that creates elements, which then can be consumed to buff other cards, if this played on the table, it creates a lot of management you have to do, and be aware of.

Also the burn cards mechanic is somewhat new to the genere, which i havent seen elsewhere - but it creates a ressource management sub play, where every move you make counts. (Should i play this card for its movement bonus, but burn it - reducing the overal number of turns a character could make. ) This is very special, and sets everything on a death counter. I quiete like this, as the scenarios which i have played where totally doable, but were very unforgiving- playing the wrong card in the wrong moment - can break the scenario.

In the Steam version, all the setup time is 0, management 0 - so only the decision /card mechanic is there for the player to explore - i can really recommend to give it a shot.

If you like more traditional Dungeon Crawlers, i can recommend Sword and Sorcery, it has a similar buffing mechanic, but not that burn your action cards in it - it has cool minis, and the overall rule set is done very well with AI cards which are very good. Some like the additional status tracking or despise it - when you have played something like DnD4 (Which was very boardgamey - all other crawlers are a breeze tbh.) It needs some expansions though, to have more replay value (or the kickstarter version, which was more complete in my opinion.)

Its also available as SciFI setting, which is done very well.

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Really enjoyed Peter Rustemeyer’s Paleo lately.
You play Homo Sapiens cooperating to survive, and the theme is very well intertwined in the game mechanisms.
I recommend the “bag” rule, where you have to bring resources to the camp to share and use them, it makes the game harder but more interesting and immersive.


Check out TTS. It has a surprisingly huge amount of dedicated creators that have made mods for just about every game out there. Things like Arkham Horror LCG and Massive Darkness 2 aren’t such a pain to set up and tear down. Plus it has saved me a ton of money. If you do, hit me up and I’ll link you to a discord channel that has a ton of mods you can’t get from the Workshop.

Does the IOS version have all the expansions? The Android version only has the Foreign Lands one.

The iOS version no longer works.
I think the developers are leaving apple? Or have sold the app. Dunno

I only had the base game.

No matter, I prefer the board game anyway. My GF has it.

I love Paleo too, its Robinson Crusoe light, but very nice drafting mechanics, and allows fun discussions and guessing.

I got The Loop last Saturday, this is very fun aswell, a light version of Spirit Island, quick setup, and very bizarre 60ties Timetravel artwork. Super fun!

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If anyone is looking for to trade gear for board games let me know. I got a little carried away during COVID, and there is no way I’m going to play all these games I bought. I’d rather they went to an Elektronauts game table then some random on Craigslist.