Body of Water

Um, I always feel a little strange pushing my own music, but as this is such a friendly forum, I’d thought I would share my new album with you. (Two years in the works, and released a few days ago!)

A bit of background: During the closedowns in 2020 and 2021 I went on a lot of walks together with my boyfriend systematically photographing the closed public pools in the Copenhagen area, and working at the same time on a series of tracks, trying to capture the same slightly artificial calm I found in the images. The whole deal now collected into this album.

The tracks are a bit all over the place, but overall fall within a sort of watery ambient/drone category, though rather beat driven in passages also. Probably sounding very late 90s/early 00s electronica, which is also where I had most of my formative musical experiences.

It is also very much an Electron based album. The OT (mangling field-recordings - lots of water and birdsong), RTM and A4 is all over the place and my recently reacquired MNM also pop up a few places.

In addition to this a Moog Minitaur provides the bass for most tracks, a Prophet 12 some of the more buzzy pads, and the Evolver is used for additional weirdness here and there. A bandmate has provided guitar textures for the OT and a slide solo for one of the tracks, and I have managed to secure a flute solo from an old jazz musician friend of my parents for the closer.

I also have made liberal use of Igor Vasiliev’s wonderfull SoundScaper app, which I can highly recommend! Feed it with your own samples, and magic happen!

Anyway - give it a listen if you like! It should work very well as a sort of auditive safe space to float away a bit in. :slight_smile:

(I am also very proud of the cover image! :slight_smile: )


Lovely, I like your sounds, writing and art work. Soundscraper is new to me and I’ve just had a fun few minutes with it.

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Love the cover! Listening now :slight_smile:


Sounds super nice and really like the cover and artistic concept as well! Will give it a proper listen later!

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Thanks a lot for the kind words! It is much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Igor Vasiliev is a mad genius, and I can recommend SynthScaper and BeatCutter (which has nothing to do with beats, and everything to do with cutting up and manipulating samples) very much too. I am not really one for using the Ipad for music in general, but his stuff manage to do something pretty special with their interfaces.

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Don’t want to hijack but I found BeatCutter’s UI totally confusing - even after using it a lot. I have still no clue what I’m doing… super random … uncontrollable for me. Still love his apps a lot!

Great album!

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

And yes, I find BeatCutter rather confusing too, but for me it a big part of it’s charm. :wink: It’s somewhere between art object and proper musical tool for me, and I am slowly getting to a place, where I know what will happen…to a certain degree at least. (But I do agree, that Synthscaper and Soundscaper definitely have more directly usable user interfaces.)

…this cat needs to get out of the box more often…

a safe haven…fragile but strong…cool understatement playalongs…
with very nice sonic skills all over the place…keep that going…

greetings from berlin to copenhagen…well done !


Thanks for the kind words. :heart: And yes, we all need a safe haven… :slight_smile:

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Necroing my own thread here to mention that I have a small EP out now of tracks being somewhat related to but not making the cut for Body Of Water. If I did singles, these would be B-sides.

All friendly mellow watery dubby stuff, so if you liked BoW you would probably enjoy to float away in this one too.

Again it is also very much an RYTM+A4 deal, with a bit of Moog Minitaur for bass, and the Evolver for some buzzing pads. Like on the main album a lot of the texture comes from the electric guitar playing of my bandmate mangled in the OT - #2 is basically just guitar and a flute solo, with a minimal dubbed out beat underneath.

Anyway, hope some of you might enjoy this. :slight_smile:


Love the water concept!
The dubby track got me, made me check out more :v:

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