Book recommendations for learning FM Synthesis

Hey guys and gals,

Just got a digitone a few days ago and am having a great time making some tunes and attempting to dissect some of the preset patches. Still pretty confused in creating my own patches.

Do you guys have any personal recommendations for learning FM Synthesis as it applies to the digitone? I know the obvious of trial and error, the manual, googling, etc, but what are you guys’ favorites or what have you found to be most beneficial?

I’d especially appreciate any book recommendations.


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Get the Bible. Curtis Roads Computer Music Tutorial.

Also, this guys videos are pretty good:

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It comes recommended often enough.

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I watched this guys video on FM design and now I’m pretty much an expert on FM Synthesis.

And you could be TOO!

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A cornucopia of FM resources, including the book mentioned above. There is a zip file of the whole site at the bottom. Enjoy.

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I’m enjoying this pdf at the moment.