Bought a Nintendo Switch

I would say like for like (say Mario Odyssee vs. any other modern 3D platform game along the same lines) that Mario is going to be more enjoyable. There is a level of polish, quality, trickery that Nintendo games have that others at least IMO have yet to emulate.

That’s not to say that aren’t absolutely great games out there, and some in similar categories. However, I’ve never had as much fun playing a Sonic game as I have Mario.

I’ve never had as much fun with Action-style JRPG style games (meaning realtime combat as opposed to turn based) as I have with a Zelda game.

As much as I love Axiom Verge, and a ton of other “MetVan” style games, Metroid still edges them out in most ways. (though Axiom Verge does have a few things that I like over a few things in Super Metroid)

Just a few examples.

That said, nobody beats id Software for an action FPS. Nobody beats Looking Glass/Irrational for an emergent shooter RPG ala System Shock or BioShock really. (there are a few good ones, but I still play System Shock almost yearly BECAUSE there aren’t many that are that good out there.

So depending on genre, I’d say there are plenty of non-Nintendo games out there that are absolutely amazing. Nintendo doesn’t make a Mass Effect for another example. :smiley:

But, anything that Nintendo actually does, nobody else comes close IMO.


Mostly Syntakt, as a gentle reminder what probably my only gear purchase this year will be.


Personally speaking, yeah, stick with TotK

Trailer was so good. And on Nintendo’s perfection: I’m so glad they exist in this world and exhibit that level of class and polish. Their games might not be for everyone, but they are perfectly crafted little microcosms. It’s a bar other creatives can reach for in their style.

The whole verticality factor of this game is just crazy and isn’t something many other devs have touched.

But damn the music in that trailer was fire. For me it was even more epic than the 2017 BOTW trailer - I really feel these tunes reach back to like SF2 type stuff, just bombastically jazz fusion next level stuff.

And the way it just ended all MK2 character select on the logo. “Duh du duuuuu”…. So sick.


Unreleased commercial with some new info goodies (Z coordinate of -470 :eyes:)

I’m just so unreasonably hyped.

Totally agreed. In other games, taking damage from falling feels just kind of lame. I didn’t realize at the time of playing BotW how gamechanging that was. I hope that squirrel suit is legit.

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This is the Half-Life 2 of our children’s generation.


I feel like they’ve tapped into something. Like with other games - yeah, like Tsushima, you’re kindve a hunk of weight and there’s no easy way to get down from anywhere.

Horizon alleviates this with zip lines, and Forbidden West even added a paraglider.

There’s something about Zelda that’s unhinged - gameplay reigns supreme over reality, so Nintendo are free to explore their imaginations for mechanics rather than be limited by being too real.

Zelda is a cartoon, after all, but damn. Like, this bizness is out at the Stratosphere, I knew this was going to happen and mow down all the naysayers. We’re so high up in in the trailer at one point gravity is actually thinning out…

Can’t wait for this.

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Anybody else found the first music segment of the final trailer oddly similar to the shire theme from Lord of the Rings?

Just started my re-play of Breath of the Wild two days ago, the hype is real! :crazy_face:

Totally, this trailer managed to bring me back to TWO beloved fantasy worlds at once.

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One of my favorite boss battles was TPs Argorok; X, Y, and Z by hookshot was a blast. I haven’t seen the vertical explored much in 3D at all, aside from what BotW covered. Climbing up a peak and gliding to a distant location I did a lot. I wonder how far they’ve taken the vertical in TotK: that frozen spider thing in the middle of the tornado looked flight only. I loved Hollow Knight for how much vertical there was. Imagine if they were able to harness that gameplay in 3D.

Edit: Obviously not a platformer, but still. Re stratosphere Am I misremembering: was there an oxygen meter in BotW?

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It’s gonna be peak for sure. There’s still so much we don’t know about how it all fits together. Definitely looks like we go for inside of death mountain. But all the internal and underground areas, they could be underground or up above, but looks like it winds towards seamless traversal between all levels

Edit: it was just stamina in botw

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Imagine nose diving into a cave…a Zonai squirrel suit with which you can rip through enemies…ball…

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I don’t know if you watched the gameplay reveal but there are so many gameplay layers to it. Without even factoring in the Z dimension it’s like there’s also this micro level stuff around building and crafting and fusing things together. It’s such a wild combination of parts. I have a feeling it’s going to make Botw feel incredibly one dimensional by comparison. It’s amazing how they’ve already transcended that game system within the open world they devised, and taken it to the next level. Nintendo are such a weird company but I love how they always stretch themselves. It’s totally a tireless Japanese honour/pride/workaholic thing

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Yeah, it almost seems that they want to inject a Minecraft dimension to Zelda. I feel we can expect youtube videos like “Building a Millenium Falcon inside TotK” in a near future.
The only thing that felt a bit weird were the functional rotors laying around in the wild, how unrealistic (in a fantasy video game where a teenager slept for a hundred years before slaying gigantic monsters appearing inside mechanical beasts controlled by the ghosts of animal-human hybrids)

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I think there will always be something to exploring this Hyrule for the first time: how empty and serene it was at times, the pleasure of finding some hidden nook or shrine after a long day’s glide. One way they could differentiate it from BotW so it’s its own unique thing is pack it chock-full with new gameplay and mechanics and turn the volume way up and that’s exactly what it looks like they’ve done; they had the empty world, why not spend 6 years packing it? Just two very different tones.


I agree. I loved my time with breath of the wild - I put like 100 hours into it in a month, something that I never do. Exploring Hyrule like that for the first time was a transcendent experience. That said, when I was finished playing it, botw felt more like an extensive tech demo than anything. I’m extremely excited to see how totk iterates on it.


I go back to old Zelda games for the dungeons and variety of bosses…maybe a bit of the weapons (wheres my hookshot totk?!) I don’t see myself going back to BotW for these things…


Same. I replay ALttP and WW religiously, and have deep love for a few others as well. I’ve never gone back to BotW, and I honestly probably never will. It was a magical experience, put the magic for me is entirely in the discovery.


I may have gone fully into Charlie from It’s Always Sunny mode, but really enjoyed this :grin:


Ha! I’m watching this video right now :grinning:
(Before returning to this thread)

The final trailer looked pretty cool

All im going to say…I can’t see myself having fun using the UltraHand ability.

If a gameplay mechanic doesn’t look cool, then its going to be an aggravation when playing the game.

The fuse could be cool, but ultrahand is just straight up crafting- which i couldn’t care less about :disappointed_relieved:

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