Bought a Nintendo Switch

Octopath traveler indeed isnt a very good game. But please get Zelda


I’ve mentioned it in this thread before but it’s so good and the threads so long I’ll shout it again


Have bought it on 3 different platforms. Don’t usually like these sorts of games but this is insanely fun and got one of the biggest ‘just one more goes’ factors I’ve ever played.

Extremely recommended.


I’ve looked at it as everyone seems to rave about it. Just doesn’t appeal to me at all.

Edit: yeah ok scratch that. Did some more looking around, might be interesting after all…

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Ive never played a zelda game before, but this is a really good game. It plays excellent on the Lite too. I find the screen on the Lite for 3D adventure games a tad small usually


Me neither.
I sank 126 hours into HK.
My GF did 200 hours with Zelda, I dont think she finished it, but she liked it alot.


Ocarina of time was my favorite game as a kid, one of the few I finished all the way through. Couldn’t finish breath of the wild (not saying its a bad game…).

Does anyone play Fortnite on switch? I knew I was at a disadvantage with the controller vs any other console/pc but really was emphasized watching my partners client, whose a content creator/streamer, shit on their switch teammate. Fortnite has been a super early morning routine when noone’s awake, find it really wakes my brain up with the chaos. Tho alienating being a middle aged man playing fornite and having to mute all the babbling idiots.

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That’s a good example of what I meant with too tiny of a screen. On the Lite, enemies in the distance are just tiny black spots. Aiming therefor, and because the joystick travel is limited, can be hard. You’re certainly in a disadvantage because its cross-platform as you mentioned.

I find the switch perfect for strategy games. Civ for example plays excellent, especially compared to consoles. As a “middle aged man”, you should definitely try Civ 6 :slight_smile:

Celeste on sale for a fiver at the moment :heart_eyes:


Not Switch exclusive, but a new trailer dropped for Silksong. :slightly_smiling_face:


nice one, would be rude not to grab a copy :slight_smile:

Christ that looks slick.

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Playing Lego starwars, skywalker saga at the moment.
Fun, enough puzzles to keep it interesting. Good take the piss out of itself attitude. Lots of room to just mess around and try stuff out.

Zero frustration.

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I’m not PRO-GAMER RAWR or anything, so I’m imagining downloading the game, brimming with excitement. 10 minutes in dying to the first difficult boss, setting the controller down and wondering why I so desperately wanted punishment.

I finished hollow knight only a few weeks ago and it was one of the finest gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Beyond psyched for silk song!


Well done!

It was a great game.

I can honestly say I no longer care about finishing. Repeatedly doing the same boss battle ad nauseum until you win, just to unlock the next bit, isnt satisfying to me at all.

Shame, because I really enjoyed the rest of the game.

Stuck on the watcher Knights, its literally the only thing left to do (bar a few side missions I dont care about eg the collector)


I don’t much like platformers. I get frustrated on an unhealthy level whenever I engage in puzzles that enjoy pushing me off the edge into mushroom acid just because I didn’t press A + left stick + ZR at the exact right moment.

Don’t mind that in combat, tho :slightly_smiling_face: so I loved Hyper Light Drifter while I cursed Hollow Knight.

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Thats a difficult balance to tread. Difficulty brings satisfaction. Story also brings satisfaction.

I think Hollow Knight played it right by making the story less compelling and let the gameplay and the overcoming challenges take the foreground. It’s a similar structure as fromsoftware games(but actually achievable- geez louise!)

I think quitting a game might be a part of the gameplay storyboard. If I were to develop a game, I would try to implement a mechanism that let the story continue after the player rage quit.

Tldr: fair enough


I feel you, there were some seriously challenging bits that took me very many attempts (e.g. Traitor Lord). I just watched this game makers toolkit episode on hollow knight yesterday, which shows how different the path to the end can be for each player, as the game designer provide many options for alternative routes/upgrades/skips in many cases (edit: the video spoilers lots of the game):

There’s no way around the watcher knights, though :sweat_smile:

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Oh I didnt rage quit. It was more like total apathy.

Got the game because aesthetics, style, and cheap.

Initially loved the story and gameplay, but once it was all bosses and no puzzle, I lost interest.

I know metroidvanias are a thing now (was ignorant before, I’m not a gamer) so yeah, probably just not for me.

Since dropping HK,
Ive played Gris (very cool, if short)
Dead in Vinland (day 43 and they’re still alive!)
And having a great time with the new lego starwars :slight_smile:

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I think you and I are nearly aligned, gameplay wise.

These action/battle sequences, I mean, they’re fine if you’re into that. To me its just a means to an end yeah, I like the feeling of action an playing a game- but a boss rush doesn’t entice me.

If you’re really into puzzles, you should check out the ace attorney games. Delightful characters and puzzles and it has the flair of an early Capcom fighting game but it takes place in a courtroom and its all puzzles and no fighting