Bought a Nintendo Switch

I will say, you’ll learn to love the difficulty.

I remember getting quite frustrated as I played the game the first time, and I’ll occasionally replay it and wish I could be playing it for the first time again

Edit: im too scared to play the the Farewell level, tho

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The hotel. That chase by my own reflection made me cry and it wasn’t pretty.

@mr_bernard yeah I’m not giving up just yet. I don’t much like platformers but admittedly, this one’s a bit special.

@pidgeo oh, it makes my Ninja Gaiden accomplishments seem insignificant for sure.

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Yeah, the hotel is where things get real.

The first two levels are just happy, happy fun time. And then the stakes get raised there. Its fun, but that boss fight can be intense

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lol, foreal :joy:

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Yeah, and the protagonist in Celeste is this pretty girl with anxiety issues. And yet Ryu’s got nothing on her.

It’s so 2022 :slightly_smiling_face:

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started playing blasphemous the other day and have really been enjoying it. I’m not good enough at video games nor do i have the time/patience to play elden ring or dark souls even though I theoretically would enjoy them. So blasphemous feels right and is a fresh take on the castlevania game I loved and poured hours into as a kid. probably will get metroid dread after i play through this one.

Did you happen to try Sundered? :face_with_monocle:

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No, but I’m starting to feel that I owe it to you to try it :slightly_smiling_face::fist_right:t2::fist_left:t2:


Hehehe! I’d hate for you to try it just because I said so, and then not like it. :smiley:


It’s an EXCELLENT game, and the platform aspects are relaxed in comparison to something like Celeste.

It does take a little getting used to, and I’d say you really need the first two to three mobility abilities to really start appreciating it, so it starts a little slow, but opens up nicely once you get those items/skills.

It’s very fluid, and chaining attack combinations off of enemies gets quite interesting after a while. I call it combat ballet. :smiley:

The only reason I continually bring it up, is that from your comments on other games that you’ve been playing, I think it would fit your style pretty nicely.

Oh, and a big mechanic of the game (and this is advertised, so not spoiling) is that you can either embrace the dark powers offered to you, or refuse them, and get technology that works in their place. Both styles are great, but if I was going to pick one for my first play-through, I would highly recommend the embrace path. Take those dark powers and corrupted tech. They’re incredibly cool.

I guess it’s like choosing a Metroid vs. Castlevania skill set in some ways. Seeing what your eldritch friend can do for you though is far more rewarding in my opinion.


Well it certainly sounds like something I’d like. Time to go give it a go. Thanks for the advice :slightly_smiling_face:

Right, so Celeste and me isn’t happening. I’m done with the hotel level now and like Hollow Knight, I just didn’t enjoy this enough, despite the rest of the world telling me I’m wrong.

On to Sundered @J3RK :slight_smile: you got me pumped.

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I also put Celeste down and picked up hollow knight.
To my surprise, my 10 year old has know gotten further along with Celeste than I have. :crying_cat_face: I’m a proud papa.
Seriously though,
Where are the Cuphead fans? This game is absurdly hard (again I’m glad for hollow knight), it feels like the game is just training me how to beat it, if that makes sense.


Yeah, I tend to get far enough in any game I play to make sure I quit it for the right reasons - not that it’s too hard, but that I just don’t enjoy the experience of getting better at it.

I just don’t like platformers, so I kind of had a feeling Celeste wouldn’t grow on me. But I felt I had to try it, because of all the praise it’s received, for educational reasons if nothing else.

Thing is, I kind of would like to continue and there’s Assist Mode, which would make me enjoy the parts I like about the game. But even if the game does its very best to make me feel okay about dampening the difficulty in it, I just feel like it’s patronizing me all the time, haha :smiley: all that “Every time you die is a learning experience” and “We want everyone to be able to enjoy our game” but I still feel like Rye in Ninja Gaiden when he got that pink ribbon if you played it on Easy :smiley:

Have you tried Slay the Spire?


Uhm, nope. It passes by from time to time when I browse the Nintendo Store, but no, I have not.

You reckon I should? Again, I’m not into platformers but don’t mind a challenge. I’ve finished Hyper Light Drifter most recently, so I can take it, as long as it’s worth it.

I just started playing hollow knight for the first time on Saturday. So far, I absolutely love it. Can’t wait to uncover more and more of the world and further immerse myself in it.


Slay the Spire is the game that really set in motion the current wave of roguelike deckbuilders (which are generally only available on PC unfortunately). RL Deckbuilders are turn-based games that allow you to build up decks of cards throughout your run, and runs tend to be around 1 - 3 hours. During the next run you will start out completely fresh but you will unlock some new cards and eventually new characters.

StS is IMO (and many others) the best RL deckbuilder in existence, and I would suggest it to just about anyone that’s into gaming. I’ve played ~ 200 hours and still pick it up sometimes. It is definitely challenging at first but after the first run you’ll pretty much get the hang of the game and be ready to create synergies between cards.

You should would watch a few videos and see if you’re interested at all.


HK is brilliant, I just stared a couple of weeks ago. Amazing game! Worth much more than the 17AUD I paid. Enjoy!


nicely put.
You’re either into this kind of game or you’re not. It’s on a different spectrum than hollow knight and Celeste - there’s no controller gymnastics required.
StS is well executed as a deck building rouge-like “dungeon crawler”.
Enough time has gone by since its release that it could have been unseated as top of its class, but few imitators come close.
Krumit’s Game (iOS) is in the same genre, also fun, but it’s not thought out as well, and it’s poorly balanced, i.e. it’s very easy to make a single decision that torpedo’s your game.
On that note - StS is also available on iOS and I liked it enough (and travel enough w/o the switch) that I decided to buy it for iOS as well. No internet required, (except to dl the daily challenges), clutch for plane rides.

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My own update report thing after having the switch for a couple of months now.

Love the console, I have the lite. As I have no big screen at home to play it on, so the lite was a logical choice, and cheaper. The games library in the eshop is mental. There was nothing like that when I last played video games 20 years or more ago. I really like the screenshot thing, very useful for remembering storylines, or solving puzzles.

Hollow knight , yeah ok it deserves the hype, it really is good. but
I’ve got to a point where there’s no more puzzles to solve, no more characters to talk to , no more story to unfold. Just some bosses. And Ive learned that I just dont care for fighting games. So Ive completely lost interest in Hollow Knight, which is a shame considering how good the rest of it was.

Bastion- i liked the concept, story, graphics, but at the end of the day, maybe its the small screen, but Im not so keen on masses of things to shoot and kill so you can unlock the thing. Boring.

Triangle strategy/Octapath Traveller- I downloaded the free demos. While they are both very nice to look at, that style of game didnt grab me at all.

Metroid Dread- same as above.

Ori and the Blind forest- again, free demo, kinda liked it but didnt feel it was worth buying.

Grip- love it! Its stupid, but its good fun. And it has DnB sound track. Kinda like wipeout from years ago.

Mark of the Ninja- just got this one, really enjoying it. My kind of game, thinky platformer. Nice art style. Bit cheesy on the americanism but thats ok.

Super Meet Boy- silly ,basic, but yeah, weirdly fun and compelling. Im up to the last 2 stages of the forest…and Im stuck!

Gris- loved it! Not the longest game in the world, but so enjoyable to get into. Id play this one again just to see if I missed any thing.

Marble it up- tricky 3d platformer. Where you’re trying to get a marble from A to B. Apparently its got good music, couldnt comment as I have it turned off. Fun, but not engrossing.

Dead in Vinland- havent really got into it yet, but I like the theme, and the style seems interesting, sort of resource managment euro game.

I quite like the look of the new starwars lego game, but Im psyching myself up to drop the coin on that one. So far I havent spent more than 30bucks on a game. I go for the sales!

Anyway. Thats my thoughts.