Bought a second-hand Prologue 16: broken keys : (

It’s an akward situation for sure, but I’m sure you’ll get it sorted out.

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This is the exact reason I’ve basically quit buying and selling synth’s… modules I’m more comfortable with, but even then all the fee’s, and shipping is so expensive for this type of service treatment… it’s a scary world… I don’t even get excited by new stuff anymore because no way I’m selling stuff to fund it… I’ve just learned to live with what I have… and if I can’t afford something in the future then good…
I really think once you have all the major players of the synth world sorted, your better off just using what you have. Don’t keep chasing, oh-shiny!! I hope you also got it for a great deal… those prologue’s are going for way under what they are worth…

Totally agree. I just needed some keys hence the prologue purchase. Can’t be found new here in Europe so I went with this used one. I was also thinking that the Prologue, my SE-02 and Digitakt would cover all my needs so I wouldn’t have to buy anything else, but then life happens :laughing: